(2) chocolat chaud

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"Well enough about England, what class do you have next? I have a free period so I'm not sure what to do..." I trailed off, hoping she had a free period also.

"Damn I wish, but I have religious studies next. But maybe we can hang after classes are over? Do you fancy getting dinner? I know this great Indian restaurant in town... or if you don't like Indian maybe Italian? Or maybe Thai! Oh uhm- maybe American? Or--" she blabbered

"Sarah!" I cut her off, "I am literally down for anything. You can choose, don't worry, I'm not too picky," I laughed

"Alrighty then," She smiled brightly "It's a date! Want to meet at five? Or is that too early beca-"

"Five is perfect! See you!"

I walked away from the Indian girl, making my way back to my dorm. I was already exhausted, even though the school day was only half done. We can just chalk it up to jet-lag.

The school was similar to a castle, in a lot of ways. Hell, it was a castle. Cambridge sat atop a hill surrounded by trees, overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. It was really beautiful, and the crisp air beat New York's skyline. I was already in love with this country.

My free period was about to commence, but I didn't really want to go back to my dorm because I had a feeling I would fall asleep once I made sight with my bed. Coffee sounded amazing right about now. I also wanted to go explore the town a little, so I quickly turned around and went in the directions of the main office so I could sign out. Before I singed out, I dialed my driver, who my father hired to chauffeur me around during my time here.

The school let us leave the campus during our free hours, as long as we would sign out. So we would have to show our ID's, get our schedule looked up and verified that we weren't skipping, then get the all clear. It was a process, but it made sense since we were getting one of the highest quality educations in the world.

After I was finally signed out, I left to go to the student parking lot, where various expensive and sleek sport cars sat. A Bugatti here, a Lambo there, and a very bright red Porsche in almost every row. I was betting almost every student had more than two cars in this lot. My car was yet to be delivered, so I was stuck with my driver, who had to report everything back to my father. Buzzkill.

As I daydreamed about getting my brand new Aston Martin back here, my driver pulled up to the curb.

We drove through the roads in an awkward silence, finally stopping at a coffee shop. I bid my driver goodbye, and entered the café.

"Bonjour bienvenue! Que désirez-vous?" A woman behind the counter welcomed me with a wide smile, asking what I'd like to order.

"Bounjour, Je voudrais un café au lait, merci." I gave her my order, giving her a slight smile back.

I proceeded to pay, and take a seat. The place was charming and smelt strongly of coffee. Not many people were here, probably because of the slightly expensive menu prices, but I saw some businessmen and buisnesswomen typing away on their laptops.

My coffee was delivered to me minutes later, and before I took a sip I heard my name being called from the line.

"Do you know French? I need a little help..." Nico signaled to the barista, who was smiling at the both of us.

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