"Oh shit."

I continued to laugh. "I told you that you only had 15 bullets, and you carelessly emptied about a dozen into the crowd back there. You would never survive out on the field."

Never had I before observed someone so angry in my life. His eyes reddened and a vein in his forehead began to violently jut out as he roared, throwing me across the forest before I could blink. That's good, tire yourself out.

I crashed through a sapling, snapping it in half and leaving it's trunk sharp and exposed. I moved to my feet, my bones bruising already with the impact. "You can do better than that, can't you brother?"

He came storming towards me and I narrowly dodged his fists, managing to move under his guard and bringing my own fist up into the bottom of his jaw. He spat blood into my face and we continued to dance, a furious battle that we both knew one of us wouldn't emerge from. He would deliver a hit, as would I. It was a stalemate of sorts.

Finally, he made a move to liven our mundane fist fight and tackled me to the ground. A few fists were delivered to my face, but his carelessness and bad planning left him wide open. That was when it happened.

Almost as though I saw it in slow motion, my feet were underneath him and with all my leg strength I pushed him back. Somehow, we had ended up next to the broken sapling. I watched as he lost his balance from the force behind my legs, and slowly fell backwards. It pierced right through his back, jutting out of his chest like something from a horror movie.

He opened his mouth and blood began to bubble out. All of a sudden I was taken back to that night near the highway, when I had first met Domitius. He had ripped a man's heart out with his bare hands, all whilst managing to look like a god. Something inside me ached, and I would have put it down to hunger if the hand that landed on my shoulder hadn't made it fade.

Sparks erupted across my skin like a fire ravaging a summer-dry forest. "Fuck."

"What did you just do?" His voice alone made me melt. My knees weakened as his scent hit me. Spice enveloped me as he pulled me to his body and I couldn't even consider pulling away. How had the attraction gotten worse with time apart. You'd think it would fade.

His body was hard with muscle and it hurt so much to resist running my hand underneath his shirt. No one could be this hot, surely a sexiness of this calibre had to be illegal. God, why was I suddenly so hot?

"What did you just do to that man?"

His voice caressed my body where his hands would not. Why did he sound so angry?

"You murdered him."

That snapped me out of it. I pulled away from his body and took a step back. The clearer the oxygen was from his scent, the clearer my thoughts. "And you're the most innocent person to be judging?"

His face was empty of all emotion, his gorgeous jawline could cut diamond. He didn't even blink. "You've killed... before?"

His eyes showed nothing. I swallowed nervously. Maintain the poker face. "It's my job, get over it."

We stood, staring at each other for several seconds. Neither of us moved, neither of us said a word. "Are you going to come home now?"

His voice was calm, certain. That was when I really took the time to examine him. His hair was a mess, untamed curls spilling over his forehead. His eyes were surrounded by shadows. He extended a hand towards me, dirt was ingrained into the skin and there was dried blood under his fingernails.

"You might not need me, but I need you. And please make this easy for me, it's been difficult enough." He almost seemed to plead, although his face remained expressionless.

I had nowhere to go. Nothing to do. Nothing that I understood anymore.

"I don't care if you've killed people before, I want you to come home."

I had no money. No food. No shelter.

"Please, April, or twenty three, or whatever your name is. We can figure it out once you're back, just don't run again."

It was for the wrong reasons, but without saying a word I stepped into his arms.

The sounds of my brother choking on his own blood plagued my being as we left.


Because you all deserve something, for your patience, your love, your support. Reading your comments made me cry and I knew I needed to give you something, so here is a chapter. I hope it's what you want.

I hope to write again soon and I love you all. Xx




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