ミthe problem with mirrors

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whether or not you believe so, you are your worst critic.

when you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see?

the problem with mirrors is that our eyes will focus on particular parts of our reflections that seem less favorable in our minds. when other people see us, they see us as a whole, not just certain areas at a time as we do.

your body, your hair, your face and yourself in general are not the way you think they are. a certain area of yourself that you dislike is not that apparent to anyone else and maybe even invisible to them.

when we stare too much in a mirror we start to pick out the less desirable things and the longer we stand in front of it with our eyes just wondering, the more things we find to not like about ourselves.

stop trying to find fault in yourself when you step up to a mirror and stop judging your appearance.

your reflection isn't there to scare you or make you feel ashamed.

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