ミself love

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self love
regard to one's own well-being and happiness

examples of self love:

liking what you see in the mirror

looking past flaws and finding desirable features

not being ashamed of being yourself

many people misinterpret narcissism with self love as it does seem to have similar aspects, but the two are completely different.

narcissism is placing yourself above others, finding yourself more important than them

self love is placing yourself at the same level as everyone else, finding yourself just as important as them

loving yourself is not bad at all, in fact it's a beautiful thing that not everyone is able to experience.

you deserve to look in the mirror and smile at the face staring back at you.

you deserve to put on any outfit and feel confident as hell walking down a crowded street.

you deserve to give yourself butterflies in the pit of your stomach.

it's hard for some people to get to the point of self love, and for others it's quite easy. here are a few tips i would suggest for having and growing a love for yourself.

look in the mirror and find the things you like about yourself

do things you like that others may judge just for the hell of it

don't live your life afraid of opinions from people who shouldn't even have the right to comment on it

tell yourself you look good when getting dressed up for the day

go out of your comfort zone for clothing or anything and tell yourself whatever it is looks amazing on you because you can and will rock whatever you want to

don't let wondering eyes scare you, if anything tell yourself people are looking at you because you're beautiful

if you can't find anything worthwhile about yourself, stare harder until you do

love your inner beauty and your personality just as much as the outside

your reflection isn't something that's there to scare or disappoint you, you should be proud of who you are.

there's only one you, so you might as well be the best you that you can be.

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