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Previously on the Vampire Diaries
"Get back he's an original!" I yelled. Moving Jer behind me.
"No hard feeling mate, but we're not buds." Kol joked. He then looked at me and winked. He still thinks I'm compelled.
Wait is this why he left? He was using my brother. Oh my god. My thoughts ran wild.
Kol leaned behind me and picked up an aluminium bat. "You know, I'll never get used to aluminium. But hey! At least it won't break." He joked as he swung to hit Damon.
I flinched. Waiting for the groan of pain. I opened my eyes to see Damon holding the bat. He lifts the old broken wooden bat and stabs Kol. I wanted to feel pity but all I could feel was hatred.

"Did you kill him?" Jeremy asked.
"No. Now let's go before he kills us." I said quickly as we rushed to the car.

We ran quickly and settled into a motel miles away from where we last saw Kol.
To say Jeremy was upset was an understatement, he keeps pacing.
"I can't believe Kol was a vampire." He said for the one millionth time. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Weren't you the least bit shocked when he wanted to be your friend so quickly?" Damon joked. I let out a loud laugh. Earning a glare from my older siblings.

Damon closed the curtains. "This should work right?" Elena asked motioning to the room. Jeremy nodded.
"Whoppi Now what do you need candles? Insence? Pottery wheel?" Damon asked.
Does he really need that to summon the dead?
"That's not how it works."
Guess not.
"I know, I know, they push from the other side and you pull from ours." Damon nodded. Sitting down on the chair next to me.
I was starting to wish I was supernatural. Just an odd thought that popped into my head. Hmmm.
"Alright, you got a picture?" Jeremy asked, getting started in the process as I was in my own little world.
"Picture? Want a trip to Disney land? Come on Rose, you're not actually gonna make us wait are ya? I know you're obsessed with me." He lowered is voice to a mocking tone. Elena scoffed and walked away. Sitting next to Jer.
"I need something connected to her, maybe you can describe her." Jeremy shrugged.
Damon rolled his eyes.
"Oh come on Damon." He shook his head.
"Fine, I'll describe her." I glared at him. Before smiling sweetly.
"She has, short hair, about Elena's height. Green eyes." I stated. "Is that good enough." I asked. Jer shook his head.
"Nope." I sighed at his answer. I looked to Damon.
"Go on." He rolled his eyes before nodding with a sigh.
"She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came,  she didn't fear it." His jaw clenched at the memory. I could tell it pained him to remember it.
Elena looked confused. "I was with her on her last day and she definitely wasn't in paradise." I glared at her.
"It was in the dream he gave her." I stated. "What don't look so confused I'm his best friend, he'll tell me anything." I shrugged. I shivered as a breeze went through my body.
"She's here." Jeremy smiled.
We all looked around but we couldn't see her. But I knew that she was next to us smiling, just a hunch.
After Jeremy informed us Rose was with us, I felt uncomfortable and decided to go for a walk. Much to Damon's dismay, but I told him I was going to get some food. He nodded and let me leave.

I am currently walking through a small park I saw on the way here. Sitting on a swing I fiddled with my fingers, sighing.
"So this is your hiding place? Out in the open?" I heard a familiar voice. I didn't panic I just sighed.
"Go away Kol."
"Oh come on darling." He sat on the swing next to me.
"I'm not in the mood." I rubbed my temple.
"After everything we've been through. Oh don't look at me like that, you really think I'm stupid enough not to know about the vervain water supply?" Kol didn't look at me.
"Yet you still did it." I glared at him, he finally looked at me.
"Listen, I didn't want to believe me, it killed me watching those tears fall from your eyes. Forgive me darling." He lowered his voice to a whisper. I almost faltered. Before I lifted my gaze to him.
"I can't forgive you, everything I felt towards you, diminished the moment you left." I stood up he copied.
"Please, friends at least." He sounded like a desperate 5 year old. I shook my head.
"Why should I forgive you?" I folded my arms. Kol took a step towards me.
"Because you're the only one to ever see the good in me." He smiled a little. I looked away.
"I'm going to regret this, but okay. Just friends." I stepped back from him. He smiled widely.
Kol then put out his pinkie. "Now promise me you will not get too mad at me when I do something bad." He asked. I rolled my eyes. My phone then buzzed. It was Damon telling me to hurry up with food cuz Jer was complaining. I sighed.
"I promise, now I got to go." I smiled weakly. Kol nodded. And moved out of my way.
"See you later darling." He waved me off as I walked of.

What have I done?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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