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Previously on the Vampire Diaries
Miss Jamie Gilbert
You are invited to attend the ball at the Mikelson home.
To celebrate the beginning of a new life.
Please attend.

I looked at Damon with hopeful eyes.
"Nope." He said.
"Why not, I was invited." I pouted. Out of habit I flipped over the card to see another thing handwritten on it.

Save me a dance darling
                                         Kol x
"No champagne Jamie." Elena said as we walked up to the doors of the Mikelson mansion.
"Fine." I said. Rolling my eyes at her attempt to mother me.
We were fashionably late. As Caroline calls it.
"So how are you going to get to talking Esther?" I asked as we walked up to the door.
"I have a plan." Just as I was about to ask what it was the doors opened. This place was so pretty. Everyone turned to our direction. Most likely staring at Elena. I saw Damon staring at her in awe. I walked over to him and smiled.
"Jay, looking gorgeous." Damon complimented me.
"Why thank you, looking handsome yourself Mr Salvatore. Love the tuxedo." I returned the gesture. Mayor Lockwood walked over and started talking to us. Well more like talking to Damon. I just stood by them looking through the crowd. Looking for him.
I couldn't find him. I sighed in defeat and joined in the conversation with Damon and Mrs Lockwood.
The clinking of a class silenced the room. I turned to the royal looking staircase.
There stood the Mikelsons. Esther, A man, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol. I smiled contently when I saw him. He looked really handsome in his tux. He caught my eye and smirked before turning away.
"Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." Elijah said.
Everyone grabbed a partner, I saw Rebekah with Matt. Klaus with Caroline. Damon with Elena. Stephan was on the side lines. I just stood by myself as well. The music played. Ed sheerans voice. Couples dancing along.
"Hello darling. You owe me a dance." Kol appeared beside me with an outstretched hand. I gladly accepted. We did the traditional waltz. I tried to follow the steps, and to my surprise I got the hang off it. I looked around me as everyone swapped partners. I was confused when Kol didn't let go.
"You're mine for tonight darling. I don't feel like letting other men get to be in your presence." Kol's hot breathe hit my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. He gave me one final twirl before taking me off the dance floor. I could see Damon and Elena going at it. They left for another room. Dear god.
"What are we doing out here?" I asked a little intimated.
"Nothing to worry darling, I just want to have a chitchat." Kol rubbed his thumb over my hand. I wrapped my arms around my shoulder as it was getting colder. "Oh sorry, I forgot. Your not a Vampire. You feel the cold more than me." He chuckled as he placed his jacket over my shoulders.
"Thank you." I smiled. He nodded at me as he motioned for me to join him on a small bench. I sat beside him.
"So Jamie, tell me about yourself." He said.
"There is nothing to know." I sighed.
"Well I want to know the silliest of details." He reassured. Ok. I can't turn that smile down.
"Well, when I was 13 my parents died in a car crash. It hit all off us hard. Elena wouldn't leave the house. My brother Jeremy would do drugs. But my aunt took good care off us. I found out about Vampires when I was 13 also. Damon would hint it. Then Caroline was turned by Katherine. Ever since then I have been helping them with their issues. Damon would help me with some homework, so we are close. Then your brother arrived to town. He wanted to sacrifice Caroline and Tyler, but Damon got them away. He killed my Aunt to break he curse. I have never had time for relationships, unlike everyone else. I'm now 16 and I was moved up a year. I'm very clever." I explained. He looked at me with thought. "Sorry." I said.
"Oh no need. Just my brother caused you pain as well as me." He nodded with a look of guilt.
"Lets head inside should we?" I nodded at his offer as we walked into the room of people. A waiter walked past. Kol took two champagne glasses. Then he proceeded to hand me one.
"Oh no, I'm not allowed." I said placing the glass on a table. He nodded in understanding. We talked about his travels around the world.
"I've always wanted to travel." I said. He had just finished his story about his trip to Paris.
He looked as if he were about to reply. But the clinking of a glass silenced everyone once  again. He rolled his eyes and smiled at me as he turned around. Esther was at the top of the stair case, with the man I learned to be Finn.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Waiters are coming round with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers." Esther said. Everyone clanked their champagne glasses. I watched as Kol took a sip of his. He smiled at me.
"Now, I'll be back soon, I'll leave you to mingle with Damon over there." I followed his gaze to see Damon looking pissed. I nodded at him and said a quick thank you for his time.
"Damon, you ok?" I asked. He gripped my upper arm and pulled me aside.
"Elena's little plan. You didn't tell me." He said through gritted teeth.
"I didn't know anything. Why?" I asked.
"We need to keep a close eye on your idiot sister."

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