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Previously on the Vampire Diaries
I didn't want him to die. Then again, they have caused so much pain. They need to go.

I have never felt more nervous walking into the Grill. Just knowing tonight that we might end up killing the originals.
How did I end up here? 16 and I'm going to kill someone.
Walking into the familiar place. Kol was sitting at the bar with Klaus. He saw me and his eyes sorta widened. I glanced at him and just turned to sit at an empty table by myself.
Ric and Meredith were playing pool. Elena was not here as she was out with Elijah. I couldn't spot Rebekah. Matt was sitting with his friends. I was alone.
Caroline caught my eye as she walked in. She walked to the bar and stood beside Klaus and Kol. She saw me and nod her head as in to say come here. I got up from my table and walked over.
"Oh come on love. Let me buy you a drink." Klaus said in a desperate voice.
"Never in a million years." She said. "Hey Jamie." She brought me into the conversation.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked, why would she want me here?
"Oh nothing, just leaving." She started to walk out. She strutted, swaying her hips. Oh she was good.
"Isn't she magnificent?" Klaus said.
"She sure looks great walking away from you." Kol replied. I mentally giggled at his sarcasm.
Klaus then got up.
"Where you going brother?" Kol said.
"I'm going to show you I can get her." Klaus walked in the direction Caroline left.
I turned to leave. A hand stopped me from doing so.
"Come on darling. We had fun the other night." Kol commented.
"Yea we had fun, past tense. Then you decide to go all murderer on my friend." I said as I tugged my arm away.
"Come on love, like you said it's all in the past." He pushed. "Forgive me?" He looked into my eyes and smiled. It broke me.
"Fine, I forgive you. If you excuse me I have to go to the ladies room." I said politely. I let go of my arm. I walked into the stall in the bathroom. Why did I do that? He didn't deserve my forgiveness. He's going to die tonight anyway. I splashed water in my face.
Walking out of the bathroom. Kol wasn't where I left him. Instead he was beside Meredith. Playing pool with her. It's working. He is distracted. Not suspecting a thing.

I saw him say something which caused poor Meredith to turn her nose up in disgust.
Maybe I should join them.
"Hey Jamie." Alaric announced. Kol didn't even turn to look as he was trying to flirt with Meredith.
"I love pretty little things with sharp tongues." Kol said.
"And I'd love it if you leave me alone." Meredith said.
"Why would I leave such a beautiful woman?" He continued. I rolled my eyes.
"Awk, darling don't get jealous. Plus you don't seem interested in me." He turned to me.
"Oh I'm not jealous." I said as I stood up straighter.
"Come on Meredith just give me a chance." He quickly turned to her.
"I think she said, leave her alone." Ric showed behind him.
"What are you going to do?" Kol towered over him.
Ric stuck a dagger in his heart. I jumped. He became limp. Meredith and I looked to make sure no one saw. We followed him to the back.
"Jamie you stay here, we need to go check to see if it affected Klaus." I nodded as the two left me with the unconscious original.
My phone rang.
"Dont kill them!" It was Damon.
"What? Why not?"
"Elijah's got Elena! He isn't going to stop until we break the link! Bonnie is helping Esther. Only way we can stop it, is by stopping Bennie and her mom!" He said in a frantic state.
"How are we gong to do that?"
"Kill her mom." He said. I could tell he hated the words leaving his mouth.
"No! She can't die."
"We'll turn her into a vampire so she'll live." He explained.
"Fine do what ever you have to do." I hung up.
Sitting in silence. Looking at Kol. We defeated him. But we have to give it all up.
The door flung open. Klaus pushed me full force out of the way. He undaggered Kol.
"No! What are you doing?" I yelled at him. He turned his eyes full of anger.
"Leave!" His voice boomed.
"No!" I yelled.
"Kol won't be happy when he wakes up. Go! Now! It's for your own good!" He yelled once more.
I quickly shuffled to my feet and left. I walked down the steps.
As I left the grill in a haste. I just needed to get out. Run. Klaus seemed scared of what Kol would do. If he's scared. Then I need to be scared. Running towards my car. I slowed down as I got out the keys. I felt an eerie feeling, like I was being watched. My hands shook as I tried to open the car. I looked up at the window to see Kol smirking in the reflection. I dropped the keys. Mentally cursing myself as I turned around. I gulped. Looking into his eyes. He spoke up.
"Hello, Darling." I turned to see Kol with an evil smirk. "Thought you could get rid of me?" He grabbed my arm.
"Stop. It wasn't me." I tried to persuade him.
"You knew! How about we go for a little walk." He seethed.
"No! Let go!" I yelled.

He pulled me to the Mikelsons mansion.
"I trusted you!" He yelled as he threw me to the couch.
"Now, how about we play a little game?" I shook my head.
"Oh I know, treasure hunt." I looked at him, he had a crazy look in his eyes. "We phone Damon and the rest of the Scooby gang, and give them hints to find you." He said.
"Please don't. I didn't do anything." I said.
"They have two hours. Before I show them what I'm really capable off." He said. Completely ignoring me.
He dragged me to his car. He pulled out a phone. My phone. He scrolled through my contacts and clicked on a name. He put it on speaker. Covering my mouth with a hand. A smirk appeared on his face as Damons voice rang through the phone.
"Hey Jay. Everything is all good." He said.
"Oh is it?" Silence was heard when Kol spoke.
"Kol! Put Jamie on the phone!" Damon yelled.
"No. We are playing a game. You have two hours to find her." He said. "I'll give you a clue." He continued. "Tick tock. Tick tock." He said. "Your time starts now." He said as he hung up.
"Now darling. Let's go wait." He put the car in drive and drove to the destination. The clock tower.

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