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Mystic Falls, to tourists, it's an innocent town. Everything normal, teens who have fun and party hard. Old couples living their last moments of happiness.
Mystic Falls, the town run by blood sucking creatures. To some it's a made up fairy tale. To Jamie it's a reality.
Her sister Elena, she fell for the sweet Stephan Salvatore. He was loving, caring, but like all, he had secrets. Those secrets became known by the oldest Gilbert. His brother Damon creating suspicion.
Jeremy was next, Anna wanted to free her mother. Jeremy fell for her, loving the way she was mysterious. He wanted to know about them, the creatures that killed Vikki. He got what he wanted.
Jamie, she was clever. She may be quiet but she observed every detail. Damon took a liking to the youngest Gilbert. Not the way everyone would assume, he was her best friend. Jamie was 13 at the time she met, and found out about the Vampires, Elena tried protecting her baby sister from the pain that vampires caused. Maybe she shouldn't have been talking too loudly that day when Caroline was turned.
Three years. Three years of protecting her sister from them monsters. Stoping Damon with his drinking problem.
Then he came, Klaus Mikelson. An evil man, sacrificing her aunt and her sister to break a 1000 year old curse, taking Stephan as his little 'hench man'. He has now returned. But he has a few accomplishes.

Welcome to the Vampire Diaries.

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