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Previously on the Vampire Diaries
After all the crying I helped Elena with the dishes and she went up the stairs.
I was waking into my room when I heard her on the phone.
Yeah everything is fine, just wanted to hear your voice." She must be talking to Jeremy.
She paused as she listened to him talking.
"Yeah, um- you go have fun, make friends. I just really miss you." She was holding back tears.
She hung up then turned to see me at the door. She was crying now.
"Elena, oh no don't cry." I walked over and hugged her. "Everything is going to be okay." I mumbled.
"I really hope so." She mumbled in to my hair.
Caroline, Elena and I were walking through the woods, Stephan and Damon sent us a very skeptical text telling us to meet us. Yet we went anyway. Elena and I were explaining to Caroline that Alaric killed her father.
"So Alaric, killed my father." Caroline said. As she tried to comprehend.
"Technically he killed himself by not drinking blood." I said to myself they all heard. Resulting to them glaring at me. "Okay I get it. I need to shut up." I walked a head rubbing my cold hands together.
"We don't expect you to be okay with this. Yet at least these herbs Bonnie is giving him are healing him and keeping his dark side buried." Elena said.
"And that is supposed to make it okay?" Carolines voice broke. Elena grabbed her hand and turned her to face her.
"Okay guess we're stopping." I rolled my eyes. And turned to wait for them to have their little moment.
"No, Caroline, it's not okay. It's horrible and I feel horrible about it, but he's a victim of something supernatural, he didn't ask for this, it just happened to him. Just like Bonnie's mom, I mean, she didn't ask to become a vampire. And neither did Stefan or Tyler." Elena said, then Caroline added.
"Or me." She sighed. I felt bad for her.
"Or you, none of you asked for this. Who would I be to turn me back on any of you." Elena asked a rhetorical question.
Caroline smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
We continued to walk.
"Oh Elena Gilbert, saviour of the cursed and the damed." I mumbled, they laughed at me. I looked at them and smiled.
"Sometimes I forget you're the youngest." Caroline nudged me.
"What can I say. I'm very mature." I shrugged. We then saw Matt.
"Hey Donovan." I said shoving my hands in my pocket. It was freezing today.
"Hey, what's with the cryptic meeting text?" He asked.
"That's what I thought!" I yelled. It may be early but I'm hyper.
"We don't know, Stephan just said meet here." Elena started to look around for him, and just on cue the Salvatore brothers came into few.
"Where's Bonnie we texted her too." Stephan said.
"Well hello to you too." I mumbled. He smiled at me. Damon just laughed.
"Bonnie's Mom bailed on her again, I think we should just leave her out of this." Caroline said. Poor Bonnie.
"So are you going to tell us why we're here." I stated. "I'm freezing, plus I'm missing school for this." I mumbled. I don't really care about school.
"We found some white oak, long story. Wait for the movie." Damon said sarcastically, his smirk evident on his face.
"Wait, white oak?" I said. Damon nodded.
"You have a weapon to kill Klaus?" Elena asked again. Damon did and exaggerated eye roll. Then nodded.
"We all have a weapon." Stephan smirked. He dropped the duffel bag he was holding, multiple steaks fell out.
"Wow." I said as I picked one up. "Wait, were going to kill Klaus?" I asked, my voice laced with sadness. Damon took the steak from my hand.
"We know you two a very close but this might be a good thing." Caroline said as she wrapped her arm around me.
"I hope so." I mumbled.
It's not Klaus I'm worried about. Isn't he linked to all the Mikelsons. Whatever. Time for the Originals to die.
"Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage. We're all armed and they are all linked, meaning we only need to kill one of them. We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity." Stephan said, he was fiddling with the steak in his hand.
"Scenario number one." Damon said, he pulled Elena in front of him. "You get to play Klaus." He smiled.
"Ok." Elena said. I was very amused.
"So we're doing Drama class now?" I asked jokingly.
"Oh shush." Damon said. I laughed.
"Rebekah is our target, which means we need to keep Klaus separated and occupied." Stephan said that we all turn to look at Caroline.
"Care." I said. Smiling sweetly. She huffed, dropping her posture.
"Why do I always have to be Klaus bait?" She asked. Wow, she's not very bright. I mean she is, but she isn't.
"Because he's obsessed with you." Damon said like it was obvious. Cause is was. He walked over to her.
"But for now you need to play Rebekah, we use the quarterback do do that." Damon notions over to Matt.
"How?" Matt asked. His eyebrows knitted together.
"Keep her talking, she's desperate for your attention, look interested." I said. I mean she talks about him when we're together, asking for me to put a good word in.
"She is just desperate in general." Damon said, smiling at his own joke.
"Clearly if she slept with you." Care mocked. I stifled a laugh. Damon glared at me. I just shrugged.
"Beefcake hold bombshell." Damon said.
"What?" I questioned he is loosing his shit.
He didn't answer as he quickly moved behind Caroline before any one could comprehend.
"Grab her arms like this." He held Caroline's arms behind her back. Demonstrating what to do on Rebekah.
"Ow." Care mumbled. Damon didn't acknowledge it.
Stephan picked up his steak and pretended to steak Caroline.
"Gives me time for a clear shot." Stephan said.

Hold up, last time we tried this I almost got thrown of a clock tower. They expect us to distract and hold down an original. Idiots.

"Hold up, what makes you think that a human will be able to hold down an original Vampire? I mean she is very bipolar." I asked. Moving my hands to exaggerate.
"We can do it." Damon said.
"Yeah, you can, what's stopping Matt and I from getting thrown into a wall?" I asked. Folding my arms.
"She's got a point." Elena said.
"Thank you." I said, but she stopped me.
"You didn't let me finish, if this could get rid of Klaus, then we can at least try." She said.
"And maybe I can get chucked of the clock tower this time." I mumbled.
"We are doing this. Tonight at the Grill." Stephan glared at me. "Are you going to help?" He asked. "Or are you going to huff like a child." He stated.
"Oh I'm doing it, just wanted to make sure you know the dangers." I smiled and started to walk threw the leaves.
"We're not done." I groaned at Stephan.
"We all have a steak." He said handing them out. I took mine.
"No stopping because you feel pity." Damon said looking at Elena. I nodded showing I understood.
"We all ready?" Damon asked.
"Barbie?" He looked at cars as she nodded.
"Busboy?" He looked at Matt.
"Do I have a choice?" Matt asked in return.
"Good point." Damon then turned to me. I nodded.
"Can I go now, I at least wanna look good as I might be Rebekah's last image before she dies." I asked. Plus I was freezing.
"Yeah you can go, we'll try some other scenarios. Elena grab the cross bow." Stephan said. I turned to leave.
I better be ready for this. I said to myself.
As I was at home I got a call from Stephan. He said he found Alaric unconscious on the floor, he seemed to have fell down the stairs. And Rebekah took Damon, most likely to torture him.
So I'm on my way to try and help my best friend. What? He's still my best friend, even if I told him otherwise.
I walked right in, calling Rebekah's name.
"Oh hey." Her British accent filled my ears as I turned to look at her.
"Hey, I just came to see if you knew we Damon is, he won't answer his phone." I lied.
"Haven't seen him. If I do I'll let you know." She said as she moved me towards the door.
"I'm not stupid Rebekah as my friend will you please tell me where he is." I said. I was trying to act civilised.
"Sorry, no can do. Drive safe." She said as she slammed the door.
"What the hell!" I yelled. You know what she can die. She's been acting bitchy lately.
"Sorry Damon, I'll send Stephan." I mumbled as I got into my car. I drove back home.
Stephan said we won't be killing anyone tonight as they have Damon. So I got into my PJs and went to bed. Not a single thought on my brain.
Sorry Damon.

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