Back Then

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(This song Is what Alice is rehearsing)

It's been a year and a half since you worked for Joey Drew at the animation studio for Bendy and the gang, you and Henry were in charged of creating the characters and scenes. You created Alice Angel after Susie Campbell who you met in the second year of college then you met again at the studio by Henry who was a father figure to you since you started and brought Bendy, Boris and Alice come to life... somehow. When you first created Alice she was mink and shy to your coworkers and she would stay by your side the whole time for the time few weeks until Bendy and Boris came along, and in those few moments you felt somewhat intimated that the boys get close with Alice, too close for your liking anyway.

"Jealous there, kid?"

Sammy Lawrence, the music and dance director and your brother asked out of the blues, almost wetting your pants.

"Sammy! How long have you been there?"

"As long as you were staring af that Angel down there."

He admits taking a puff of his cigar while Alice rehearsed in the music room while you watched her dance and sing in the room where the projector was, not being lost in her angelic voice.

"(Y/N), listen sooner or later you're going to have go and her before the little devil comes and snatches her away."

"Hey! Who said I liked her, Sammy?"

You had problems with these kinds of situation where you fell hard for someone then it usually falls into pieces honestly you never admit that you liked her, but never told anyone else not even your brother.
"I know I know, but grow some balls and tell her soon, okay."



During rehearsal I eased dropped on Sammy and (Y/N)'s conversation about Sammy telling them to confess to her. Were they talking about Susie? Honestly, I felt kind of jealous of Susie with her chocolate brown locks, flawless skin and her pretty smile that could make anyone's heart skip a beat.

"Hey, Alice!"

Boris called out from the doorway with Bendy at his side.

"Ugh! Are you still drooling over Mr/Ms. Lawrence? Just go over to them and smack lips ALREADY!"

(Y/N) and Sammy turned towards the commotion Bendy made while I was flushed red as tomatoes, honestly I couldn't confess to them. I maybe tough as nails but couldn't go up to them and shout out 'I LOVE YOU!', besides why would anyone want to be with a person like me? Made of ink and with horns and wings.


As days went on (Y/N) was planning on leaving the studio, they were being transferred to work with Disney soon. They didn't want anyone besides Sammy to know that they were leaving so they left without saying a word to anyone, not even to Joey Drew.

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