Chapter 28

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I sat down at a desk. It was Tuesday and I was in class by myself, Fang and Iggy weren't here. Dr. Martinez kept them - along with Ella - at home. I get it, and I also talked them into staying. I learned that Iggy had a leg injury after talking to him. I didn't want them to have to walk around school hurt.

I was the only one in the class, literally. Not even the teacher was here. It felt great and lonely at the same time. I sighed and laid my head down on the desk. About a minute later a piece of paper was thrown at me. I groaned, not even bothering to look up, "Screw off Neil."

I heard him walk towards me, so I sat up to look at him. He was standing in front of the desk. I glared at him, but he didn't back off, "Where's your bodyguard? He give up on you?"

I rolled my eyes, "My sibling, not bodyguard. And I could say the same for you, that or it really looks like you need one," I smirked as he glared at me. The teacher wasn't here, I could say anything I wanted to him right now.

People were coming in now, and one of them was Layla. She ran over to us, "Neil, stop picking on the new kid! You know how that ended up last time!" man, I like this girl. She actually has a little bit of decency.

Neil smirked, "Yeah, I remember. She and her little crew were sent to the principals office," I narrowed my eyes at him. It was a coincidental accident, that and the teacher's stupid.

Layla groaned and grabbed his arm. My eyes widened as she dragged him to the back and basically threw him into a chair. He stared at her as well as she walked back up next to me and sat down, "I'm so sorry about him."

"Um..." I accidentally made the noise out loud. She couldn't help but smile and even giggled a little at how surprised I looked. I thought she was quiet and not that tough, maybe even a little shy. But she just threw the class dumb ass into his place! I was impressed. "It's fine, he's a jerk."

She sighed and smiled, "Oh believe me, I know."

Maximum Ride The Society Failजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें