Chapter 24 : Stares And Backbites.

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His cheeky grin missing and his usual humor gone, he looked almost a ghost. Just a figment of what he used to be.
Barely human.

I excused myself and walked over to him. I tapped his shoulder and stood awkwardly next to the big armchair that he companied.

I grabbed a vacant chair from nearby and carried it over to him. The servants were rushing to my aid but I waved them off.

'Are you okay?', I bit my lip as I sat down on my chair,'I heard what happened with Oliver'

He looked at me; shocked but then it quickly faded,'Yeah. I guess I'm a bit sad. But I'll get over it'

'I don't like this version of you', I playfully punched his shoulder,'I miss the other you'

'There's only one me', he groaned depressingly.

'No there isn't. I feel like the creature sitting next to me is an alien from above. An entity possessing the body of my best bud', I replied.

I saw the the ghost of a smile he used to wear come on his face but then it turned to a frown just as quick as it came,'You're annoying, you know that'

'Yeah, that's why I love her', Edward says as he now stood next to me. When did he come?

Derick barely glanced at him. He didn't even show anything that connected him of being aware of Edward's presence.

'Really man', Edward kept on,'Cheer up a bit. My brother is a buffoon. There's more fish in the sea'

'I don't swim', was Derick's simple reply,'Not so deep anyway'

He got up suddenly and walked away in a steady pace that set him off from the surrounding people who were rushing here and there.

'What can I do to help him?', I mutter as Edward started to massage my shoulders.

'Some people', Edward replied,'Just don't want to be helped Elena. They prefer the grief before moving on'

And with that statement, a tear left my eye.


*Oliver's View*

Everyone was shocked at the news. The people who kept annoying me to reveal the identity of the princess before stated at Elena with incredible faces.

I almost felt like laughing.

I don't know why, but, I always seem to laugh at the most awkward or off moments. I just do it in the most wrong of times. Inappropriate times.

I spot Derick at the far edge of the table. He was not surprised of course. He was pricking at the cherries on top of the pudding with his fork; causing his pudding to turn to mush.

I felt bad for denying him. I consider myself straight but there were times I thought that I wasn't.

Like when I was small, how I liked my best friend in a way no one could explain. How I clinged on to him at school till it became unhealthy and my parents made me homeschool.

Like I said, there were times that I questioned the fact of me being straight.

But I don't know. I tried to deny it. I felt embarrassed to even consider myself gay. I just couldn't. For me, it was the worst kind of embarrassment ever.

But wouldn't I be denying myself of the type of love I want in my life? Aren't I?
Will I?

After dessert, everyone started to get up and properly meet the new found lovers.

Most were excited while some expressed looks of pure murder and rage.

I didn't know there were quite that many supporters for Raina. I just thought she was that usual bitch no one liked.

I know. Rude.
But true.

My mother always taught me to be a honest child. So be it.

But am I being honest for denying my true feelings?

************************************You guys liked that?

I even enlightened you on how Oliver felt. I just wish he'd just come out of his flower bud! 😭.

I just wished he bloomed into some rare tropical flower. I'm so weird.

Glad to know you minions tolerate me.

~ Suhaila. 😈.

Q: what's the tattoo you would get if you were given the chance?

-probably the Teen Wolf tattoos of Derick's and Scott's but then I'd also don't mind a dream catcher for one.☝🏻.

Fun fact :  The Derick in my book was named after the Derick from The Teen Wolf series. If you didn't watch it, go watch it now!

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