25. Meeting The Parents

Start from the beginning


"Dinner. Will you come eat dinner with us sometime?"

I didn't move, just stared out into the air. What had just happened?

"Dinner?" I jumped up from the bed and walked three steps forward while rubbing my head to search my mind through for the answers.

"Yes, you know with me, my parents and my brothers." The bed creaked and I turned around to watch him get up from it.

"Oh! Dinner!" My eyes shut up and my finger pointed towards the ceiling.

I stared as Anthony laughed heartily and held his hands around his stomach. "Did you already forget? Was it because of our little moment?"

His smirk had returned together with my facial heat which really irritated me.

"No!" I hurriedly said and waved my hands in front of me. "I just forgot!"

"If you say so." Another wink came my way as he laughed off. "Anyway, what's your answer? My mother would love to see you again. She seems very fond of you of some reasons."

The last part would have been offensive if it hadn't come from his mouth. He was born with such a mouth, nothing surprising.

"I'll come."

His face lit up. "Fantastic!"

I looked over at the door. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't do anything," I said before storming out the door and down into the kitchen where both my parents still sat beside each other.

"Why the hell is he here?" My mother asked as soon as she saw me.

"I-I don't know."

"Liar! You are his so-called friend." She made a grimace as she said the word "friend."

"Charlotte!" Both our faces turned towards Father who drained another can before he flung it through the thin and tense air. His face was red and he violently stood from his seat.

"Both of you need to shut up! I'm the owner of this house and I order you to respect me and my needs! And right now I want silence!"

Oh no.

My mother stormed up from her chair, which hit the floor a short period of time after. 

"You idiot! Are you the one paying the bills? Making sure there are clean water and light? No, you aren't, 'cause I am, so you should shut up, not me!" Her roar traveled over my skin and left med with millions of goosebumps.

My fathers face turned pale and for a moment I thought he would lift his hand to hit my headstrong mother, but no. He spat in front of her feet and turned around on his heels before leaving the kitchen.

My mom sighed as she took a step towards the counter and leaned against it. I couldn't see her eyes because she had turned her head away from me and where staring into the unknown, her mind wandering to places I couldn't identify. 

My limbs shook as I tried to take a step closer to her, however, as I result, my body automatically took two backward, making my back hit the wall. Me tensing was useless, nothing could stop my limbs from doing what they tended to do every time I would end up in a situation like that.

I wanted a drink so badly. I wanted to feel the burning feeling of liquid streaming down my throat. It would make things easier as it always did.  

Silence mingled with fear streamed around me as a devil whispering alluring words in my ear. That kind of thick silence you couldn't seem to shake off also surrounded my mother as her gaze dropped a shade every second. 

I actually wished that she would have spat words with rage; letting word for word flee with an anger seen by no man, but no. There was nothing. Nothing at all. If I could see her eyes, I would have been able to look through them and see what kind of dilemma I was in. I would be able to analyze her with my small tricks. 


The words sounded as mechanical as it was. It was so familiar to me that I often didn't even notice when I would say it out loud. 

"You're sorry?" She changed her gaze on me and her eyes were deadly and I soon find myself wishing she would turn around again and ignore me like she always had done. 

"You have to stop saying sorry. Nothing is going to change by you saying sorry. You are only rubbing salt into the wound. I know you have a brain, so start using it and get that boy out of your life before my patience slips up."

In an instant, the last part of glass our relationship had, shattered into pieces on the cold hard ground and no glue could glue it together again. 

I knew that everytime my mom would open her mouth it would leave a scar on my already scar covered skin and now she had painted the last piece of clean skin and nothing was left. The hurt from her words covered me like a thick coat and it kept being pulled tighter and tighter around my body. 

She scared me. 

My own mother scared me. 

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