Chapter 9

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I finally updated after disappear for 1 month. I'm writing this when i got sick --" i'm just too bored despite i'm sick lol. But i'm fine now. I hope I can continue to type the new chapter tonight because i have a free class for 2 days (YASSSHHHH)


Allen glaring at Yuuya "I ask you again, What the fuck are you doing with my mate!?"

Kousuke get up then go to Allen to calm him down but Allen start to growl at Kousuke instead

"You know you are mine then why?"

Kousuke looked down "I-I'm sorry, Allen-kun. I-it's just an accident... I-I didn't mean to sleep on his lap..."

Yuuya stand up "Allen, calm down--"

"shut up! i don't need you to order me around!"

"But you make Kousuke scared!!"

"I'm not--"

Allen heard Kousuke whimpered below him. When did he sit down on floor? Allen kneel down and about to touch Kousuke but a hand slap his. Kousuke slap his hand then moved back, rejected him, giving him a scared submissive looks. A pair of hands caressing Kousuke's shoulder. Yuuya trying to calm him down and Kousuke cling on him. Allen's hurts seeing this scene so he stand up go to the bedroom, wear a random clothes and packing his things up.

He return to the living room, and seeing Kousuke still cling on Yuuya. He gave Kousuke one last look before go to the door.

"Where are you going?"

Allen stopped his movement. But he didn't look back

"Are you going to leave Kousuke alone?"

Allen bit his lower lip "I thought he needs you now."

"He scared because you barked at him."

Allen grab the door knob "I know. That's why i choose to go out. At least until he is fine. Take care of him. You know him better"


Allen twitched. He heard his mate voice. He needs him. He know that but he remember his looks just now, he can't stay. At least not until he calm down.

"Allen-kun, don't leave me--"

"I'm sorry. But i have to calm myself down"

And with that he go out, leaving Kousuke with Yuuya. He walked out despite it's raining hard. He hope this rain can wipe off his anger.

==Yuuya and Kousuke==

Kousuke is currently sobbing in Yuuya hugs. He just unconciously pushed away his mate, Allen. And now he's gone. Allen left him and he thinks it's all his fault. And Yuuya keep carressing his back.

"Kou, it's not your fault... calm down..."

Kousuke sobs "He left me, Yuuya. He left me! and it's all my fault!"

Yuuya caress Kousuke's cheeks "No... he doesn't left you. He just want to clear his mind. He will return. Trust me"

"But he left me! Allen left me!!"

"Kou! Calm down! He doesn't left you! He just need to fucking calm down!"

"What do you know about him!? Allen is mad at me! I could feel it!"

Yuuya sighed "He mad at me, Okay? He will never hate you. You are his mate, Kou. Let's eat something okay? You need foods"

Kousuke nodded "Okay... i trust you.. and i want meat."

Unfair World |IwaOi| |Allen X Kousuke| Omegaverse!AUWhere stories live. Discover now