chapter 4

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At the previous chapter, i said that i'll make a chapter about what happen after Kousuke and Allen left, but my friends keeps triggering me to continue AllKou instead. So... here comes AllKou

==Next Morning==

Kousuke woke up, smelling a coffee from his kitchen. Stretching his arms above his head, he grimaced at the pain in his joints and all over his body especially his ass. He saw a new pair of clothes on his nightstand. He tried to remember what's happen last night, he groaned in tired. He startled when he saw Allen leaned to the bed room door, holding two cups of coffee. Then a scene from yesterday start to shown up and Kousuke start to screaming.


Allen quickly moved to his side. Put the cups down on the nightstand and pulling Kousuke to a hug.

"Calm down, Kou."

"How can i calm down!? My secret!! Everybody know! You know! I-- I--"

Allen kissed Kousuke's forehead "i don't mind at all"


Allen start to nuzzling the omega's hair "Kousuke as a omega... not bad at all"

Kousuke hugged his knees "You don't understand, Allen... I-- I can't. Everyone think of me as a alpha not a omega..."

"What's wrong being a omega? Matsuda Hiro doesn't mind at all"

"I don't know what to do... I--"

"Listen to me, Kousuke"

Kousuke look directly to Allen's eyes. Allen caress his cheek softly.

"It's okay for being a omega. You don't have to lie to yourself"

The omega leaned to the alpha's hand, sobbing "But everyone want me as a alpha..."

"Everyone doesn't mind at all."

Kousuke gritted his teeth "How do you know!? Everything i had built is all ruined because of you!!"

Allen isn't moved from his place. He stared at the crying Omega. How can Allen know if he was a omega at first place? All these years they've spend together at the project, he never notice that Kousuke is a omega. His nose tell him that he's a alpha. He once heard that there's a special cologne to hide their real scent. But he doesn't knew that Kousuke had one until he saw one this morning when Kousuke still a sleep.

Allen sighed "Are you going to keep crying?"

Kousuke let go of his knees and hugged Allen tightly "I don't know what will people said if they know..."

Allen kissed Kousuke's head "We will kept your secret from public"

"How can i hide your mark, Allen!? Your scent!? My scent on you!?"

"Just use your cologne. It will hide it for a while"

"How long!? I'm tired Allen... I'm tired..."

"Why you don't like being a omega?"

"Omega is weak... they always get bullied... they can't get a proper job... They--"

Allen cut him "You're wrong."

Kousuke raised his head. His eyes still sore because of crying. Allen caress his cheek and kiss one of his eyes. Licking away his tears. Then he moved to his neck, nuzzling on it, spreading his own scent around the omega. Kousuke stop crying and start to purring by the scent. Allen moved away from his neck and stared at Kousuke who stared back to him.

Unfair World |IwaOi| |Allen X Kousuke| Omegaverse!AUWhere stories live. Discover now