The Value Of Mortality

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Years had passed since the day I woke up. Since then, things weren't the same.
Chris and I lived together, alone. Our home overlooked a small town in the less populated part of Scotland. The townsfolk that lived below were quite welcoming, something that Chris wasn't used to. It took a while to adjust, especially without our friends but we managed.
We spent most of our nights sitting outside, looking out into the sunset until the early morning. Of course, Chris usually passed out by 10:00 pm. He wasn't used to being mortal, and so he slept almost constantly compared to me.
I was an Illusionist now.
I hadn't really focused on my newfound powers when the most important things were right in front of me- it's head planted on my lap and struggling to stay awake under the gaze of the midnight sky. I lived for him and I promised him that I'd give my life for him if I had to. '(Y/n)...'
'What is it?'
'How long has it been since we got back together?' Chris muttered, averting his gaze from the illuminated starlight to focus on me. His pale white skin glowed in the moonlight, eyes twinkling slightly when he realised I never looked away from him.
'Five years, I think...'
'It's been so long...we only have fifty years left...' Chris kept reminding me of that. He kept bringing up the average human lifespan, trying to prolong his death by taking medications and things like that. I never brought it up but I noticed.
'We'll find a way to keep you alive, okay? I can...I'll figure out a way...'
'I've been trying to get to hell but I don't have the takes years of practice and I have to start from square one...I have to walk around as an equal to every other human in this place, despite the fact that I am- I was...I was a god.' He frowned, sighing deeply as the reminder set in his mind.
'You still have time...'
'(Y/n)...with all my human years counted together, I'm almost 30...I was born in 1865, and I assented to the level of god in 1890...I worked for fifteen years, connecting with the spirits that nobody else could see until they told me the secrets to immortality...'
'Chris, you're-'
He shot up from my lap, standing up beside me and beginning to pace back and forth in front of me. 'I was above god! People cowered in fear at just the mention of my name, I was someone! I had a purpose! What am I? Why did the forces allow me to have such power and then push me into passing them over?' I couldn't help but notice his skinny jeans which used to fit him were now baggy around his thighs, even his favourite long-sleeved black shirt was looking quite loose on him.
'My reputation was so intimidating that it drove a siren to try and murder me!'
'Chris!' I snapped, suddenly getting to my feet. His head shot over in my direction, his cheeks red with all the emotion running through his head. '...we agreed we wouldn't speak about that day...' I took a deep breath, regaining my composure before continuing. 'I'm going to go see Ricky. I'll see you later.'

Chris didn't stop me, instead of accepting that I needed to get away a little bit

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Chris didn't stop me, instead of accepting that I needed to get away a little bit. The walk down the hill and through the small town did take me quite a while, but it was worth it when I got to Ricky's place. I was met with Joker eagerly scratching at the door once he saw me walking up the driveway. Ricky offered to take one of the cats off our hands since it was getting quite tiresome to have to take care of them all. I knocked at his door, clutching my stomach to keep warm during the harsh winter. A moment passed before Ricky came to the door, unlocking a million locks he had and letting it creak open enough for him to see me shivering in my nightgown and slip-on runners. 'Jesus, (Y/n), come inside. You'll die out there.'
'C-Could I s-stay here tonight?'
'Of course, just come in before your blood turns into ice.' He instructed, stepping aside and holding the door open so I could make my way in. I practically moaned at the feeling of being warm after the thirty-minute walk in the middle of winter. Ricky was constantly freezing, so he kept every heater turned on constantly and for once I was grateful for it. I made myself comfortable, plopping down on the black couch and melting into how plush it was. Joker followed me, jumping up before sitting on my lap. 'Did something happen?'
'It's just...I knew Chris would have a hard time adjusting to being human again, but it's been years and he still can't accept it...he keeps bringing it up, along with that day...' I explained as Ricky approached me, taking his usual seat on the opposite end of the couch.
'I thought Devin made us all vow never to talk about it.'
'He did but...I also think...maybe...he hasn't been eating? He's been looking really thin...How am I going to deal with that when we have kids?' I sighed, raising my hands and running my fingers through my messy (y/h/c) hair.
'First the marriage thing and now this...I wish I could help somehow.' Ricky frowned, sitting his elbow up on the back of the couch and shifting so he faced me completely. He was referring to the fact that legally, Chris died over a hundred years ago. We couldn't get legally married unless he existed in the eyes of the law, but we were searching for a way around it, even thinking about forging a birth certificate for him. However, he never had the motivation to do it. He was so depressed that he barely even had the energy to get up in the mornings.
'I just...I feel like I need a break from everything...'
'I know some people who could get you on a cruise back to your family...I'd be happy to accompany you if my company is what you need.' His offer did seem quite attractive, although my thoughts wandered more to Chris meeting my parents. How would he handle meeting my parents?
How would I handle it?
'I was thinking about inviting everybody out to a trip or something. Apparently, Ryan has been quite reserved after we all vowed not to use our powers against unknowing humans.'
'Not to mention Devin...I haven't even seen him since the's he doing?'
'He and Vinny haven't even looked at each other...he's been staying with least they've been getting along.'
'How about Vinny? How's he been?'
'Surviving...I went over there yesterday to see how he was and I found him lying on the floor with all the windows boarded up and three stray cats wandering around. I don't know...I don't worry too often, in fact, I've spent more days not giving a shit than I have actually lived, but this is just morbid...' Ricky leaned against the back of the couch, eyes beginning to flutter closed. He reached over, running his fingertips along Joker's fur and listening to him gently begin to purr at the feeling.
'You know that we're not your can relax.'
'It's just that...back during the war, while I was in custody, I took care of everybody. I gave up my bread for the week to children who got nothing. It's in my blood to care for those who have less than me...and with my egotism, that's basically everyone. Maggy and I have been struggling with all the negativity around.' I was still disturbed by how Ricky named his maggot "Maggy", and no matter how much he said it, it'd continue to disturb me. 'She wants to go back to we can look over everything that happened to us.'
'Maybe that's a good idea...what if we all go? We'll go to Germany, then wherever everybody else wants to go? Like a tour?' I suggested.
'Sounds good to me. For now, you get some rest. We'll pick this up again tomorrow.'

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