No Tears, Please

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Josh knocked on the door of his old house, holding his breath as it slowly began to creak open. On the other side was an elderly woman whose hair was short and grey. She could barely stand on her own, especially after seeing Josh at the door. 'J-Joshua?'
'Mother.' He spoke coldly.
'Y-You're alive?'
'Yes, mother.'
'W-Why would you come back? I do not want you in my house!' Josh immediately shoved the door against her, causing the woman to fall and for her back to snap. 'Ah!'
'Joshua! My boy!' The ghost that Josh told us about floated into the room, it's head exactly how Josh described it.
'Vinny.' Josh began to snicker as Vinny pushed past us, handing something to Josh before scurrying back.
'What're you doing with a knife, kid? You can't kill m-' Josh cut the ghost off by plunging a familiar blade into it, causing the ghost to suddenly light up in flames.
'Is that...' I trailed off.
'That's the demon blade that Vinny used...' Chris confirmed for me. I decided to just watch, knowing full well that nobody could stop Josh from murdering them.
'G-Get out of my house! Please just get out!'
Everybody else began walking out, wanting to give Josh his space. However, the moment I turned to follow everyone out, he stopped me.
'No, (Y/n). I want you to stay.' He growled, dropping the knife down beside him. I nodded, shutting the door and stepping over where the ghost truly died and only a spot of ash remained, only visible to us immortals.
'W-Who is she? Who-'
'Shut up!' Josh screamed, slamming his foot down on her stomach. Her bones were so weak that they cracked like eggshells. She gasped and coughed, gagging on her own spit. 'God is dead, mother.'
'No! God is-'
'You will never know about god...because you'll be spending eternity with people just like you...' He let an insane grin spread across his lips, one reminiscent of who Chris used to be. Before she could say anything, Josh raised his foot over the woman's head, getting ready to kill. 'I'm sorry for your loss, mother.'

'To Tokyo, we go!' Devin cheered as we all entered the ship, our things packed and ready to go

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'To Tokyo, we go!' Devin cheered as we all entered the ship, our things packed and ready to go. We left immediately after that, knowing that people would find the body eventually. Josh hadn't said much after that, only thanking me before we all walked in silence. Chris was pretty annoyed about how Josh let me stay.
We all went to our usual rooms but Josh asked if I could stay back for a minute to talk. After a bit of convincing, Chris begrudgingly left me and Josh alone outside our room.
'I just...wanted to apologise...' Josh muttered, looking down at his shoes.
'What for?'
'That dumb stunt I pulled...I asked Vinny to bring that knife before we left even though I know we all agreed to never mention what happened again. I know how bad that day was for you and I-'
'Josh, I'm not upset. I'm just...a little disappointed. We all agreed that we weren't going to kill anymore.'
'I know but she-'
'I get it. some rest, okay?' I smiled, turning around and opening the door. Chris was patiently waiting, his legs crossed and hands buried in his lap. 'Are you okay?' I asked, shutting the door behind me and approaching him.
'About what?'
'It's nothing.' He smiled, shifting until he was underneath the blankets. He held his arm out, offering me a spot. Of course, I couldn't say no and instead slipped off my shirt and pants before crawling into bed with him.
'You keep sleeping with your clothes on...' I poured.
'It's warm here, take off your clothes.'
'Take them off!' I shouted, shoving him onto his back and plopping down on his stomach. I didn't realise his hipbones were digging into my skin until I gripped the rim of his shirt, tugging it up to his neck before gazing down at his torso. He was so much thinner than usual, his ribs jutting out of his skin while his stomach was flat. I grew concerned, of course. 'I thought you started eating properly...'
'I ate that cake but I threw it up when you fell asleep.' He admitted, lowering his arms to his stomach so he could cover it up. 'I...I know that years have passed...but it's not easy to recover from...I've been hiding this since you woke up...'
'I just want to prove to myself that I'm not human...I hate being this...'
'Chris, I thought we figured this out.'
'I wanted to be the old me...'
'Why? Why is this so important to you?' I raised my voice, reaching forward and gripping his sides tightly.
'Because I...I wanted to...' he trailed off.
'...human women were praised among my kind...they were fertile and could carry the baby of nearly all creatures. Human men, however...they're useless...they can't reproduce with females that're a different species...'
It suddenly hit me like a ton of fucking bricks.
'W-What're you talking about?'
'I...wanted to ask if we could have a kid together...But we can't...' His voice went quiet, letting a sudden dread fill the room. I couldn't even bring myself to reply, only staring blankly at him. '...are you upset?'
I didn't reply. All I could do was slip out of the bed, slipping back into the clothes I was wearing before and leaving the room.

I sat on the front of the ship, gazing blankly into the ocean as the starlight above me seemed to dim

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I sat on the front of the ship, gazing blankly into the ocean as the starlight above me seemed to dim. Everything was quiet besides the waves with subtly bumped the ship. I couldn't pay attention to the beauty of it when so many emotions were running through me. I couldn't even react when Ryan approached me. 'Where's Chris?' He asked, leaning against the metal railing. His brown hair whizzed around momentarily before the wind settled. I didn't reply verbally, instead letting tears slowly build up around my eyes. I subtly whimpered, jaw clenching and knees beginning to tremble as Chris' words truly set in. 'Hey, Hey, what's-'
'D-Did you know?' I stammered, reaching forward with a shaky hand and gripping his sleeve. 'D-Did he tell you?'
'(Y/n), I don't know what you're talking need to calm down.'
'I-I can't have k-kids...N-Not...n-not with the man that I-I love...' I huffed. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around my shoulders comfortingly.
'Don't worry...we'll find a way to get him his powers back...just don't cry...'
'I-I can't...h-help it...' I could barely keep myself up. 'W-Why did h-he hide it from me?'
'I don't know...he was probably struggling to cope himself...' Ryan paused, noticing that the weather was beginning to become ragged and cold. '...wanna see something cool?' He asked, stepping back while keeping one arm around my shoulder. I looked up from the floor, gazing at the long stretching ocean in front of us. He slowly held out his arm, twiddling each of his fingers before gently twisting his wrist. Slowly, a bubble of water in front of us seemed to lift, breaking away from the main ocean and hovering in front of us. It wasn't big, about the size of a soccer ball, but inside were small fish, each one swimming in circles. 'Look at them...'
'T-They're beautiful...' I sniffled, wiping away my tears. '...What kind of fish are they?'
'I have no idea but watching them always cheers me up. Look at their little faces.' He snickered, bringing the ball of water closer until I was able to reach in and run my fingers across the grey fish's skin. 'Glub.' He looked over at me, making a goofy face and sending me into a small giggle fit.
'Thanks, Rye...are you sure I can't call you Rye Bread?'
'...fine. You can call me Rye Bread but if any of the other guys start saying it I'm going to punch you.'
'Thank you, Rye Bread.'
'It's no problem and look, if you want to stay in my room I'd be happy to let you. I spend most of my time out here anyway, I'm not usually in there.' Rye was acting different, although I couldn't tell why. Maybe it was because I was upset but I was grateful.
'Actually...I think I would like to stay there if you don't mind.'

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