Chapter 15

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The next day was filled with curiosity, questions and long explanations. Carlos explained to me that he was taken to a graveyard to see my grave, but ended up passed out and he had been in this room ever since. He told me he didn't remember who took him to see my grave, but it scarred him and as soon as he saw me he felt as if he was hallucinating.

I also told him what happened to me which, was more or less, exactly the same thing! We knew something crafty was going on but with this little information, it would be fairly difficult to decipher.

"So what are we going to do? The hospital could be in trouble and we don't even know where we are!" Carlos said, panic ringing in his voice. I hated to admit it but we were afraid.

Really afraid.

I struggled to remember the exact thing that had occurred but bits and pieces I couldn't remember, making it all the more difficult to piece the pieces together.

"Carlos," I began, glassy tears forming slowly in my eyes. "I thought I'd lost you" I fling myself on him, placing my arms around his neck and gripped his hair. It felt soft in my hand and I could hear him making quiet 'shh' sounds which were surprisingly soothing.

I lifted my head slightly and noticed I had got the back of his hospital gown damp with my tears. I apologised but he nodded in understanding, just making me hug tighter.

"Saffron, tell me honestly." He asked, curiosity sawn in to his voice. "What do we have?"

His question puzzled me. "What do you mean?" I said, plastering my face with a subtle, fake smile.

"What do we have, exactly? I mean, are we friends? Are we more? Are we less?"

I stayed silent because, to be honest, I was shocked. We never really talked about our relationship. I guess we were part siblings, part couple. I know how weird that sounded but we never put too much thought in to it, it just kind of happened.

"I... Er... Shouldn't we just focus on getting out of here-" I was purposely dodging the question, it didn't work despite my pathetic efforts of hesitation.

"No, Saffy, I have to know!"


"I just DO, okay!?" His voice slowly crept up to an angered yell. For the first time I was almost afraid of him.

"Look, I'm sorry" he continued. "I just, I want to know what this is. Someone asked me out and I have no idea what to say until I know."

His words shocked me even more. Someone asked him out? I felt weird about this. It had only ever been us, us against the world. Was he bored of me? Were we drifting apart? The very thought made me want to vomit.

"Well, do you have feelings for her?" I swallowed hard, almost choking on my words. However, nothing on earth could have prepared me for what he said next.

"Actually, it's a he..."


OOH SHIT! Did anyone see that coming!? Talk about a plot twist! I needed something to spice up this little 'romance' between these two. But I'm still undecided on whether or not Carlos has feelings for him or not.

BUT I do know that I'm going to end this book once I get to CHAPTER 20 or maybe I'll push it to 25. But I don't want it to get boring so I might just leave it at 20.

Jesus, that was a lot of buts.

So yeah, lemme know what you guys think and please recommend my story. Danka.

Pixel, out✌️

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