Chapter 10

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I must of ran for miles, I probably would of got tired if it weren't for my grim motivation driving me to run faster. I had no idea where Helen and the kids were, but in order for this plan to work I had to find them, and fast. I eventually needed a breather and I was right by Samuels Park, so I decided it couldn't hurt to sit there for a while.

"Uh, Saffy... Let me take you home. Please. You shouldn't be out in this condition." I heard a voice, in sounded distinctly like Carlos but when I looked around, I was completely alone. I shook it off. I must of been there for a few hours before I dosed off watching the ducks. I had the strangest dream.

I was sat watching the ducks, just like I was awake, when I felt an arm around my shoulder. I turned my head and saw my mother say beside me, smiling her honest smile that I remember from long ago. I looked at her in utter disbelief, she was speaking to me but I couldn't hear her. I could faintly hear her voice, her soft, gentle, loving voice. But I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Suddenly, her voice got louder. She was screaming at me, telling me to run. She shoved me hard off of the bench and put her cold hands around my neck. Her face changed to an angry expression as she tightened her grip around my neck. I struggled to breath but it was no use, I was being killed by my own dead mother.

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