Chapter 17

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Needless to say, my night was spent crying oceans.

What had happened? I asked myself over and over again. I convinced myself it was my fault that we fought, although I was still upset that he would go to that extreme to trick me.

It was a vicious circle of blame. I hated it.

I attempted to summon my common sense by standing outside the room of his door. I would raise my knuckle, ready to tap it gently on the door but I couldn't.

I sighed loudly and allowed my back to slip down the wall, I landed and the bottom hugging me knees.

This is how we met.

I was curled in to a tight ball like this when he found me that day in the alley. When we became partners, no, friends even.

I missed that day. I was still so confused about what we were though. Were we a couple? Were we friends? Were we partners? The questions made me head spin.

"What are we?" I wondered aloud.

"Infinite" Someone replied. The voice was inviting and yet somewhat cold. I looked up to see him standing there, his face red and blotchy from crying, just like me.

"We are infinite." He continued. "I'm sorry, that sounded so cliche. I mean, you're my everything."

I stared at him in disbelief. Was this another prank?

"Listen, no matter what happens, I will always love you. Not like a friend, either. Something much more special."

I stood up and took a step towards him. I looked at his face, there was a passion burning in his eyes that I had never seen before.

"Listen, I-" I was instantly cut off by his lips crashing in to mine, creating a perfect moment between us. We stayed like this, just kissing, for what seemed like forever. He continued to kiss me almost violently before slipping slowly opening the door behind him.

"Wait!" I said, breaking the kiss. "What are we doing?"

We stared at eachother for a brief moment. He looked almost guilty and then a smug grin came over his face. Then, just as before, he began to kiss me passionately.

We stepped inside the room, not breaking the kiss apart. We fell instantly on the bed and he began to undress. He was shirtless and I opened my eyes for a brief moment.

That's when I screamed.

Behind Carlos, stood my father infront of the open window.

"You don't fucking quit do you!?" I screamed as Carlos turned to see him in shock, hurriedly struggling to pull his shirt back on.

"Oh, don't stop. I was enjoying myself then." Was his reply. A devious, evil smile fell silently over his face, making him look completely insane. He wasn't my father anymore, merely a monster who had replaced the man I used to know.

"Get out! You are a sick man!" Carlos yelled, hatred seeping out from his voice. "Why are you stalking Saffie!?"

Before I could step between them, my father leapt on to Carlos and began strangling him with all of his strength. I've mentioned before how buff he is, it was only a matter of seconds before Carlos began to turn blue.

I screamed at him to stop, repeatedly wiping the tears from my eyes. "Stop, stop, stop!" I loudly weeped. I attempted to pull my father off of him but my attempts were effortless. Then, he stopped. Carlos' struggles stopped. My fathers breathing was heavy and a pleased gaze quickly replaced his cold glare.

He quickly fled through the window, not bothering to say a word to me. I quickly ran over I Carlos' lifeless body and fell to my knees followed by pained cries.

"W-what have you done?" I asked no one, my voice laced with concern. "What the hell have you done?"

The Runaway DreamersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora