Chapter 3

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Carlos and I stood at the end of the street, fear flowing through our veins as we looked over at the Creak. I could already smell the tobacco and every person that stumbled past reeked of alcohol. I grabbed Carlos' hand. I was so frightened, I just had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

"We don't have to do this, princess. We've seen enough to tell Melissa, this is an awful place to be, especially at this time of night." He looked at me reassuringly, but I couldn't leave now. I promised her I would go in and look for her mother, so that's what I had to do.

I lead Carlos into one of the seams in the wall, careful to avoid the lights gaze from police cars passing through. I could smell the smoke and as we walked in to the seam, all the druggies turned to stare at us. Some were smoking and few were sharpening knives, it was a truly terrifying place to be. I tried to put on a brave face and voice to at least sound like I wasn't afraid, but I was. So very afraid.

"I'm looking for a Kennedy Granger. Have any of you seen of at least heard of her?" I asked as bluntly as possible. There was only one reply, and it was one that I was secretly hoping for.

"Yeah, that's me. What do you want?" I couldn't believe it. She was actually here! The one person I was sure wasn't going to be here, was right in front of me! I pushed all the questions that I personally wanted to ask her aside and focused on what was important.

"I need a favour." I said as bluntly as before.

"What do you need? I have heroin, weed, cocaine, tobac-"

"No. I don't want drugs, Miss Granger I'm looking for a compromise." I was proud of how stern I sounded even though deep down I was still shivering, it felt as if my legs would buckle beneath me any minute.

"Look, I ain't doing you no favours. Wait a minute, you're those mugs from the hospital ward my daughters in. Hah, if it's about her I don't care." She said, turning away. This burned me inside. How someone could turn down a young girl, so innocent and sweet was beyond me. I clenched my fist slightly and one of the other smokers noticed, but thankfully didn't think anything of it.

"Look, she sent me here to find you. Because a part of her still loves you, for some reason. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to hear that her mother is drowning herself in alcohol and smoking away her sorrows with the rest of these twa-" Carlos piped up suddenly. He stopped in his tracks though as soon as Kennedy gave him a deathly stare. She marched over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, lifting him so his feet couldn't touch the ground.

"Now listen you." She said with an angered glare. "I'm going to give you one chance to get away from this place, or I will crush you like a fag end. Do you understand?" She dropped him but he landed on his feet. Thank god! I thought, that could of ended badly. I was wrong, this was far from over.

"I understand, Miss Granger. But I'm not going anywhere."

The Runaway Dreamersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें