Chapter 4

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I watched as a look of utter regret stretched over his face. He looked physically sick and I was trying to think of a way, any way to help him out. Kennedy didn't look happy. You could tell she took his comments to heart but all the was reflected in her eyes was pure anger.

I thought they were going to kill us. They had knives and most of them were either high or drunk. What stopped them? However, they didn't, but they didn't stop their either. Instead, she gave us a menacing look before screeching at the top of her lungs. That's when we heard the sirens.

The drunks and druggies began to flee, stumbling over and laughing like evil hyenas as they went. We were cornered by cop cars in the middle of the alley, but then I realised all we had to do was explain our situation.

Two officers got out of the car. One had a tough build, like it would take four people twice our size to even tear his picture apart! The other was a weedy man. He held the torch and the light quivered as he shook with fear. Wow. I thought. If he's scared of us, why would a man like himself be out in a place like the Creak?

"Thank goodness you're here officers! Could you give us a ride home? I hate to be rude but it's late and the people here have startled us enough!" I said politely. Carlos still had a look of sickness on his face, like he could see something terrible was going to happen. He was right.

"Listen, miss. We would love to give you a ride home. Back to prison it is then."

His words rang in my mind over and over repeating them self. Prison? Me in prison!? What was happening right now!?

"P-prison? What are you talking about? I'm sorry sir, but I've never been to prison in my life!" I said, startled.

"You escaped last week and we all know that someone of your age wouldn't be here if they weren't up to no good. You're a thief. You've been wanted since last Tuesday."

"Sir, I'm telling you! You're mistaken!" Carlos said, suddenly looking normal again, or at least not as sick as he was before.

"It's me I'm the thief! Not her! Take me away, officers!" He was being so brave but I knew the officers wouldn't settle for anyone other than me. My head began to spin, I couldn't go to jail I literally just couldn't! Who would take on the children's dreams!? Carlos couldn't do it alone! That's all I remembered feeling before I blacked out.

When I awoke, I was in a dark room, lit only by a small window with concrete bars over it. I looked around. There was a basic bed, which had messages carved into the wood. Things like "I'm innocent, let me go!" and "there's no rest for sinners". On the other side of the room lay a duffle bag. I stood up and sauntered over to it, unzipping it carefully. Inside must of been millions of letters all addressed to the same person.


I couldn't open them. They weren't mine. Well, they were but not yet. They hadn't been posted. I was deciding what to do when the cell door opened and a big man walked in. He was a tall man with broad shoulders. My initial thought was that I knew this man from somewhere, long ago.

He took one look at me and his sad eyes enlarged, fury burning in his pupils.

"Saffron... It been a while..." He said calmly, his voice shaking with anticipation. Like he wanted to hurt me badly. Where had I seen this man before? His voice was deep and almost hoarse, like he had been shouting a lot. But it was still familiar to me. Then, it hit me. It all came violently flooding back all at once and I took it like a pound to the stomach.

"Oh my god! Dad!"

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