Chapter 9

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The next few days after that were a blur, a blur which I could only remember was filled with stress and drowning my sorrows in mint chocolate ice cream. Carlos stayed with me the whole time of course, trying to take my mind off the whole dad situation. Eventually, I struggled he remember the event but it took some work to get me there.

I then made the decision to continue making dreams come true. Whether I liked it or not, the world wouldn't just stop turning for my needs. I got up one morning, gently trying to escape Carlos' loving grip without waking him and got dressed. I decided to wear something nice, not so scruffy as what I usually wear. I scuffed over to my wardrobe, still half asleep, and took out a baby pink polo shirt with cropped sleeves which were folded over at the bottom. I then dug out a black, pleated skirt which, surprisingly, wasn't that creased. I then pulled on some white trainer socks and shoved my feet in to some ankle boots with a side buckle.

I carefully examined myself in the mirror, hoping I didn't look too bad. I looked okay, I didn't really wear things like this very often, I was a jogging bottoms and un-ironed t-shirt kind of girl.

I then moved on to my hair, which I didn't take too much care in. I shoved it in to a high pony tail and clipped all the little bits of stray hair, trying to escape. I wasn't really in the mood for make up, so I gently waved the mascara brush over my lashes a couple of times max, and then applied a single coat of Chapstick to my lips. I smiled in delight. I actually felt proud of my appearance today, which was rare.

I threw a cushion at Carlos, nudging him to get up. "Oi, you lazy shit! Get up, we've got stuff to do today" I reminded him, tightening my pony tail.

"Okay, oka- WOW! You look stunning!" He gasped, for a few seconds he just stared at me in awe. I giggled, as I felt my cheeks begin to burn slightly as I blushed. I shook off the feeling, today wasn't about me after all.

"Shut up... Oh! Come on, we're gonna be late for breakfast!" I said grabbing his wrist and shoving him out of the room. "Wait, I'm not even dressed!"

"Pjs are good!" I teased.

"But look at you and then look at me!" I let go of his wrist and pushed him back in to the room. "Hurry, or I'll eat all the Nutella." I threatened, placing my hand on my hip.

"You wouldn't dare!" He laughed. I wasn't kidding.

After about 10 minutes of waiting outside the door, kicking the heels of my boots against the creaky wooden floor, he finally came out looking as sharp as always. I ruffled his hair and ran down the stairs, Carlos hot on my heels.

"I won!" I declared proudly.

"No fair! I didn't know we were racing! You're such a-" he stopped as he noticed Denise crying at the dinner table. The entire hall was empty and the only sound that could be heard was Denise's quiet sobs bouncing off of the walls.

I walked over, putting my arms on her shoulders to comfort her. "Denise, what's the matter? And where are all the children?" I asked.

"They children are safe. I asked Helen to take them for a walk with the rest of the staff."

I hated Helen. She was such a typical, stuck up blonde. She was popular around here, but she had piercings everywhere and one hell of an attitude. We'd been enemies for years, but luckily she only stays here because she is Denise's daughter. She works down at the cafe about 20 minutes away and has a five hour shift, so I rarely see her but even when I do, I blank the bitch.

"So why are you crying?" Asked Carlos, noticing I was lost in thought.

"Someone else was killed last night. Not a child, but a close friend of mine. Her name was Alicia Rose. We were good friends growing up."

Alicia Rose... Where had I heard the name before? It rang a bell somewhere in my head but I couldn't figure out where I had heard that name before.

"Alicia Rose? I recognise that name..." I told them. "Is it possible I could of met her?"

"Oh Saffron, she was your aunt. After your mother died, she was the one to arrange the funeral and she told Tevisha about you, that's how Tevisha knew who you were when we took you in." She explained, wiping her tears on her stained sleeves.

So my aunt had just been killed. Of course, I knew exactly who had done it. This had to stop, it was controlling my life. I had only just emerged from my room, recovering from Maia's death. But now another family member? Like my mother wasn't bad enough. Then, an idea struck me. I hideous, sinister and just plain even idea. Just so disturbing, it just might work! I grabbed my jacket off of the banister and ran out of the front door, paying no mind to Carlos shouting after me.

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