(Late) Easter Special!

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I was wrong about my updating on Sunday ._. I'm continuing on my regular schedule. So yeah... HAPPY LATE EASTER <3

BlueStar: May all bunnies old enough to eat a pug gather here beneath the Bunny trail for a Cotton Tail meeting!!!

DuckPaw: What's cotton?

BlueStar: Today, everyone's name shall end with "Cotton tail" Also, GrayStripe cotton tail has stolen some robin's eggs, and has created a game, Grab the majestic, colorful, rainbow eggs!

GrayStripe cotton tail: THEY'RE SO MAJESTICAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

FireHeart cotton tail: Why are we doing this, BlueStar?

BlueStar cotton tail: Who is this " BlueStar" you speak of? I'm clearly BlueStar cotton tail!

FireHeart cotton tail: -_-*

BlueStar cotton tail: Now go get those robin's eggs!

GrayStripe cotton tail: I may or may not have made them into scrambled eggs....

BlueStar cotton tail: NO MILKSHAKES FOR YOU!!!!!! Meeting dismissed :,(

CloudTail cotton tail: *eating the eggs*

Yeah....PureMoss cotton tail!!!!! Happy late Easter warriors! May your easter baskets be filled with cookies and candy throughout the break! Have an awesome day! You guys rock :3

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