Chapter 2

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Kanan was hunched over a table with Hera and Zeb. They were all studying the map given to them by Caesar Mackson. However, they didn't know how exactly it worked. They wrote down what they were looking for on the map, but when the ink spread to form the ship and surrounding isles, there were over 15 different lines leading to that many locations. Kanan closed his eyes thinking I know what I want. Where is it? The map closed in on the ship and showed the movements of the crew according to their foot placements, and he saw where he, Hera and Zeb were. The map then showed two dotted lines starting at Hera and Kanan. They intersected and lead to the bed in the Captain's Cabin.

Clearly startled at what the map was trying to get them to do, Kanan tapped the map on the desk, where the ink gathered in a small pool. Zeb dipped the quill in ink, still blushing over what the map was insinuating, and wrote down what they were looking for: The Gauntlet's Heart. The ink spread to form the Ghost, the sea and the surrounding islands. Yet again, the path forked off into 15 different locations. He then thought about the item more, but wound up getting a map to the galley.

"Caesar," asked Kanan, "how does your map work exactly?"

"Well, captain," he responded, "I've never really known. I got it from... her. All she said to do was believe you needed whatever you're searching for more than anything."

The captains looked to the horizon, as the Ghost had not yet enveloped itself in fog yet, and saw that the sun was setting.

"We'll think about this later," said Hera, "let's get some grub and then sleep."

Several hours later, Zeb was asleep on the second bed in the captain's cabin while Hera and Kanan shared the main bed. Some rattling woke them up from their light slumber. They looked to the table in the middle of the room and saw a man standing on the side nearest the door.

"Hey," Zeb said, "we're trying to sleep here."

"Forgive me," he replied, "but I wouldn't be here if I had any other choice."

"That voice," Kanan said. It was from a memory. It also sounded like someone they all remembered, "One-eyed Ephraim?"

"Aye, aye captains," he replied.

"I thought you were dead."

"I suffered a fate far worse than death. I serve on the Gauntlet. And you are all due for service."

He then disappeared right before their eyes. They looked around at each other in a very nervous tension. They each looked at their hands, and saw a black spot staining their palms. They woke the crew and commanded that they get to shore quickly. For the captain of the Gauntlet, Captain Maul, would stop only at where something interrupted where sea and sky met. And they had to get their quickly, or else they would fall prey to his water serpent, and be flown to the sanctuary where no man rests.

I know it's pretty confusing at that last part.

Next chapter will come out soon.

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