Chapter 8: Date Night. Part II.

Start from the beginning

He wore dark clothing like the rest of the guys, black jeans that were ripped in some places, and a dark t-shirt. His olive colored eyes had black X’s painted over them and his hair was slightly smoothed down. A guy had walked in with him, a clip board in his hands.

"You guys go on in 5." he spoke urgently. All of the guys nodded, Ray and Bob shot up out of their chairs, we all walked out of the room, the bald, butch man with the clipboard was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When the guys were all pumped and ready to perform, they were all ready to go out on stage. Frank grasped my hand and kissed my pecked me on the lips before they all waltzed out on the stage. The audience cheered, while the bald man led me to an area where I could see. I can't believe I get to see this performance from backstage. The club was dark and spacious, definitely my kind of club.

Bob hopped behind his drums, picking up sticks and getting comfortable. Mikey had a glossy bass against him; his face was chill and serious. Ray was setting up a microphone in front of him, a guitar hung around his body. Gerard had made his way to a mic in its stand in the upfront and center of the stage, looking happy to be here. Frank was on the left side of Gerard, his guitar, that I know he loves so much, was slung around him and a mic stood in front of him. Once they got all situated and Gerard greeted the crowd, they began playing, opening up the concert with a song titled "Give 'Em Hell, Kid."

I stood backstage, deliriously happy and quite honored that I actually get the privilege to see these guys live from backstage. They're simply outstanding performers.

The concert was almost coming to a close; I clapped after every song, cheered and danced the whole time. Only one more song to perform and the concert would end, which bites because I like watching them perform, I wanted to see more. Gerard stood at the mic, sweaty, yet looking comfortable on the stage. Frank stepped over to Gerard and whispered something in his ear, then went back to his usual place on the stage.

"This is the last song of the night," Gerard started, looking down at the stage and then looking back into the crowd of entertained people. "It's dedicated to Frank's lovely girlfriend, Eliese." Gerard eyes glimpsed my way; he had a grin on his face.

The audiences’ animation towards the concert coming to a close was crazy. They all loved it. A lively and gratified smile played my face. Frank has made things official, I'm his actual girlfriend. I'm his, and he's mine. This is the best night of my life. I never knew he wanted to make us official this soon, but if he feels the way I do for him, I see why he did. The band started to break out into song, Cemetery Drive to be exact.

I smiled during the whole song, just basking in the moment. My life has taken a completely unexpected turn, a very significant unexpected turn.

The concert ended with a bang, the guys stepped off the stage sweaty and exuding happiness. They all have such an affinity for what they do, and it's great to watch them live, you get to see how much soul and effort they put into each song. It's fucking mind blowing.

The guys all got cleaned up, but left on their stage clothes. Everyone was pretty much beat, so Ray, Bob, Gerard, and Mikey all went home. Frank and I followed behind the guys, making our way to his car. We all said our goodbyes and our ‘see you laters’, ending the night on a good note. Me and Frank slid into the car.

"Did you have fun?" he asked an obvious question.

"Of course I did, you guys are fucking great." I complimented. Frank nodded his head thankfully. "Thanks for dedicating that song to me, it means a lot." I said softly with a grin.

He looked at me with bright eyes, those eyes I fell for instantly the first time I saw them.

"Well, you mean a lot to me." he spoke shakily with a boyish smile, looking down at his lap, and then flicked his gaze to me. I blushed for what seemed like the 100th time tonight and grinned. Hearing those words literally made me feel like I was walking on air. It's such a warm, wonderful feeling knowing you're wanted and cared about by someone. I didn't want to go home, I didn't want to see my mother and deal with her fractious attitude, my sister alike. More importantly, I didn't want to be away from Frank.

"Can we go back to your place?" I questioned confidently as he drove.

He must have been happy I asked, because his face brightened up at my words. I guess he feels the same as I do about not wanting the night to be over, not wanting to be apart from one another. I know the question might translate to a guy, "Hey, can we head over to your place so we can screw?" But that's not what I mean; I just want to be with him as much as I possibly can.

"Sure." he said with a definite tone. I smiled to myself while I looked out the window, watching other cars and lights whisk by. This is seriously a night I will never forget.

He lives in an apartment, which is understandable; he's a young, single man. Well, not single any more I should say. He unlocked the door, letting me step in first. His apartment is open and roomy, much better than where I live. I looked around his living quarters, he's not a messy person, but he isn't exactly clean either. It's cool, no big deal to me. He's a 23 year old man that lives alone, how clean do you think his place is going to be?

"You can take off your jacket if you want." He said, but I was already doing so. I had wandered all the way into the living room, so he laid my jacket down over the edge of the sofa. He had a nice sized TV set up in the large room.

"Do you want anything to drink?" he asked casually. I sat down on the sofa; it was white and soft against my arms and hands as I sat down.

"No thanks, I'm good." I said kindly, smiling up at him. He sat down close next to me. The X's over his eyes were gone, just his natural look remained. A hesitant expression played his face, like he was cautious about asking something.

"Doesn't your mom want you home?" He spoke plainly. I took in a breath and put up my arm against the couch, my head resting on hand.

"If she did she would call me, but she hasn't. So I take it she doesn't care." I said, not wanting to be talking about my mother.

Frank just nodded solemnly. "She may not care, but, I just want you to always know that I do." he spoke sincerely, looking straight at me. I couldn't help but smirk.

"And I want you to know…" he began, rearranging his position on the sofa.

"Know what?" I asked inquisitively.

"That..." He looked down at the couch, contemplating what he wants to say. Like he’s thinking that he shouldn't say it, but feels he should.

"I love you." he came out and spoke with a candid tone. My mind was reeling through so many thoughts and feelings, not knowing what to say because there were so many things I wanted to say. But I know a good place to start.

"And I love you." I spoke broadly, knowing my love for him since the day we met.

His eyes met mine quickly; he looked dumbfounded yet completely overjoyed. I didn't give him a chance to speak, I moved myself into him, and crashing my lips onto his with every ounce of passion I had in my body. He kissed back with force, letting me know that his love for me was just as strong as my love for him.

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