It was still raining

The streets ran slick with it, pounding relentlessly against the cobbles and the homes and the trees as the torrent struck down from those pitch black clouds that had engulfed the sky faster than should have been natural. Thunder rumbled overhead without end, what dark dim grey-black the world had adopted was washed out in a blinding flash of eerie purple glow as lightning arced over the horizon and among the clouds.

The world was dark, silent.... Every single person of the country seemed in a daze, most of them unsure what had transpired or why the sky seemed to split open and pour forth with some, solemn, cold, rage. They looked from their homes, stood in the wash of icy water pouring from the sky, glinting eyes searching the dim and reflecting what wash of bright light the lightning brought- trying to understand why the world seemed so cold. Why their minds felt sluggish and slow, their hearts in a haze, holding to one another where they could as panic and confusion set in just as quickly as the storm raged more fiercely.

They looked to their clocks in shock, seeing that somehow, earlier that day, they had lost but an hour of something, some stretch of time they couldn't recall.

Era was buzzing, footsteps echoing rapidly over the polished halls, staffs illuminated in the dim by flash of electricity and flame, orders shouted out and called across as they tried feverishly to recount what had happened, and why there seemed an hour just... gone. Screens buzzed and Magical tools alike were chiming, faces pale and eyes wide in disbelief at the readings they were seeing- at what influx of unknown Magic seemed to hang on the air... and even seemed to rain down over the sky, extremely irregular and worrying amounts of tainted etherion hanging thickly on the air and in the ground itself like some sickness.

And of those screens to which depicted what footage they had running all over the country, and specifically in locations that had been tagged for trouble- they stood in horror, re-watching what foul darkness the country had been steeped in, and their own faces, suspended and still for what missing time they were trying to recall.

And in the secret recording Lacrima they had placed inside the Guilds of the country, for purpose of keeping an eye on what powerful element Wizards Guilds truly were and what threat they posed to the government- the Magic Council, the Rune Knights and the Wizard Saints alike found themselves riveted in horror, watching as Lamia, Pegasus, Mermaid, Cerberus and SaberTooth had been subjected to watch while the rest of the country and they had slept. Their hearts dropped and jumped in sheer terror as they watched it, and compared the massive surge in Magic Energy upon the air to the time it had all occurred... too much, much more than anything they had ever recorded, they couldn't fathom it.

A great, powerful, dark God had descended upon their country... and nearly threw them all into chaos.

Knights and Leaders of the Magical Investigation Division and the Custody Enforcement Unit trembled, their eyes wide and shaking as they turned their eyes away from the screens that lit up the darkness of the room, latching to the stony faced, grim figure of the Chairman standing among them, his grip on his staff rigid as his eyes flashed.

"We cannot allow the public to be aware of this, spin a story, put their minds at rest! This information will not leave these walls!" He commanded lowly, flintily. His gaze moved from the image to the tense and slightly shaking figures of Lahar and Doranbolt near to him, who were enraptured on the screen as everyone else was.

"Arrest every member of Fairy Tail if you must, I want to know every detail, I want this situation contained, now."


Hours... years it felt like.

Hours of silence, of a Guild Hall filled with quiet, solemn, still figures, heads bowed and bodies hunched, not a word left anyone's lips, they hardly seemed to breathe. They huddled together, some of them holding back tears and what crushing weight had fallen on their hearts and seemed to make the air all the harder to take in. Some of them stood apart from everyone else, resigning themselves to remaining still in what pain and utter terror was breaking all their hearts and shattering their souls, their stomachs twisted tightly into knots that felt like they would never go away, their hearts beating frantically and their cores chilled. Some of them were shaking, trembling regardless of how much they willed their bodies to cease such movement... it was pain and fear coursing through them and worry that ran so deep they had to try very hard to stay focused.

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