Mistress of Death and Night

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Description: This was a class assignment that required us to write a short story of our choice. Please vote and comment your thoughts in the comments section below. I'd really appreciate it, thanks guys! Enjoy!




Mistress of Night and Death

      I stirred in the velvet sheets of my queen sized bed, as my eyes rolled behind my eyelids. The soft patter of the rain, drummed sweetly on my window pane, the essence of my tranquility, except my contrasting dreams that dawned on me. Scenes of the battlefield replayed in my mind's eye, as the screams and clashing of swords on armor were the only music boasting their survival.

It was mine too, as customary I had to fight. Beads of sweat began to accumulate on my forehead, as the temperature dropped twenty degrees. My breathing turned ragged as I kept  tossing and turning. 'CRASH, THUD'.

"Crap!" someone spoke in a hushed voice. I jolted from my slumber; my nightmare, my past. My amber eyes looked up quizzically, as the floorboards above my head continued to creak. Tranced in following the dents of whoever it was on my floor, the boom of the thunder brought me back to reality. After re-collecting the sanity I had left, drops of a cold substance dripped unto my sweat soaked dirty blonde hair.

Instinct brought my fingers to the centre of my head, only to find out it was blood. My senses went on a rampage and so did my sanity, as my teeth ached and my eyes dilated. No doubt changing color from the sight of my hunger and the intruders destruction. Not being able to subside my true identity any longer, I swiftly removed the sheets tangled around my legs, to have my feet meet the frozen floor.

As I approached my closet, I pushed aside the clothes which concealed my emergency compartment. My hand divulged to have the tips of my fingers meet with a ten thousand year old Valyrian sword. Five seconds later I was out the door, walking upstairs. This is one of the moments, when I regretted owning a mansion. Got to hand it to my family who's filthy rich.

The intruder could be hiding anywhere. As I rounded the corner of the hall, lightning flashed and I was able to get a glimpse of his Oh so handsome face. 'Too bad I might have to kill him', I thought as I advanced with caution. With his broad muscled back facing me, I raised my sword to his delicious neck. 

"What the hell do you want in my house?"

My nose flared as my eyes became savage. My k-nines elongated, touching my bottom lip barely. My eyes scanned him from head to toe and I saw his blood dripping, "And your blood is sullying my very expensive carpet?"

His laughter came out hoarse and forced, "As feisty as I was told you would be. I must confess, I have a fetish for feisty women."

My lips curled in dislike and a primitive snarl escaped my lips, "You have the nerve. You insolent fool. Answer my question!"

He twitched his chiseled high-cheek bones to the left, "Calm down Adaera. I just came to talk." A smirk was plastered on his face.

"Why not come in the day time? You disturbed my slumber," I chided him.

"You're a -" 

"I know what I am. But I'm not like the others. I can walk in the sun. now tell me blue eyes, what do you want?" I smelled his reluctance as bitter as a corpse.

"Your help is requested. The castle has been attacked and-"

I pressed my blade unto his throat. A trickle of warm blood ran down the length of the blade, and it throbbed in delight. I chuckled sadistically at the sadistic thing. Nothing like Valyrian swords.

"I specifically stated, that I wished to live in peace. I've slaved and dedicated half a century to your kind. My entire family is dead because of your Queen's lust for Andromida's husband," my voice seemed to have shattered what humans call, composure. He nearly squeaked like a mouse as he gulped. My eyes followed the movements of his Adam's apple.

"Lady Ad-"

"Call me that one more time and I will drain every ounce of blood you have left," I withdrew my sword and licked it. The sweet metallic taste, caused a frenzy with my starving  taste buds. "What if I refuse to help. Will you, hunt me down and kill me? Like you did my brother? Burn me at the stake?" I walked around him, until I stared him in the face.

"The way I see it," he bravely took a step forward, challenging me, "you can help us and be granted you life...again...or the way you just explained it, two seconds ago."

He pulled out an apple and bit it, his eyes never left mine. I watched him carefully and licked my lips. 

"Ha. I can kill all your men within a minute. I'm not like my brother," I walked up to him until we were five centimeters away. Using my index finger, I traced the outline of his jaw and smirked, "nor like my parents. I am hard to kill and I've slain many which is why I am  known as the Mistress of Death and Night." 

The lightning flashed highlighting my a amber-crimson eyes. I scanned his every breath, the batter of eyelashes and also the fact that his right hand was about to grab the dagger he had in his back pocket. I quickly grabbed him by the throat and slammed his head against the desk. He wheezed and coughed up blood.

"You come in My house, ask for My help and then try to Kill me? That's not very smart is it? Is it?!"

"N-n-o," he choked as his blood covered his lips.

"Whoever was stupid enough to order my death, tell them come to me so I can crush their bones into sediments for my Bone Garden."

I set him free and he scrambled out the window to warn his 'Queen' of my threat. And boy was I dead serious. Immediately after he left, I sat down at my desk and turned on the lamp. I pulled open the top drawer to my right and pulled out some maps.

This was going to be one heck of a magnificent War.

One woman against an entire kingdom...

"Who will win?" I asked as I sipped a glass of Blood Wine.

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