Dear Readers, Thank You

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Hello! :D

As you can see by the title, this chapter is for YOU!

Firstly, I want to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU for giving me a platform to really express myself. It's really nice knowing that there's other people who are weird for me.

As you all know, being weird outside of my bedroom is hard, because people obviously frown upon differences.

Everyone says "be yourself", but when you do express yourself, they hate you. Wattpad's a breath of fresh air... I can ACTUALLY be myself and not fear of being judged.

So again, thanks for giving me that opportunity.

If you're struggling with having confidence in yourself, PM me. I try to answer as many PM's as I can.

And if you're in a situation where your friends start to isolate you because of how you are acting, DO NOT CHANGE FOR THEM! This is what was my downfall... trying to be something I'm not.

I'm telling you, don't change for ANYONE! Please, please please stay true to yourself, no matter WHAT!

Being weird, it's hard to love yourself.

But you have to know how to... and if you think about it, us as a whole big weird family is normal in each others eyes!!

I owe you all so much. Over the years, I've gotten so close to SO many of you, it's been such a great experience. It feels like I'm APART of something... and I just love that.

Sure, some of us have had fights and etc. But in the end, we all realize we're all one weird family.

And yes, you reader gained me success.... but ultimately you guys gave me confidence.

And I hope reading the "100" series help you realize that you are NOT alone in this world of everyone who acts the same.

This is painful to say... but this was the end of the 100 series.

I just hope you gained confidence, and this book has been an escape from how painful the real world is.

Remember, stay TRUE to yourself. And stay weird :)


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