league of assassins

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POV: Jason

"No Jason you have to listen to me, Lex Luthor told me that the League was trying to kill you not Dick," said Tim

"Look Timmy you just need to rest, okay," I say "I can protect myself,"

"Okay but can you at least stay with Bruce until we know your safe, not for you for me we lost a brother already we can't lose you or another one, please," Tim pleaded

"Fine I'll stay with Bruce, for you Timmy," I say smiling

"Thank you Jay," he said "see you soon,"

WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Great all thanks to Mr gilt-trip I now have to stay with the old man thanks Tim, thanks a lot.


POV: Bruce

"Alfred the door," I yell

"Master Bruce you can get up from your chair and get it yourself I am sure," he yelled back

"Alfred your closer," I yell

"MASTER BRUCE!" he yells back

"Fine I'll get it," I yell

"Hi Bruce," said Jason I shut the door in his face

"Alfred its Jason, what do I do," I ask

"That did you do," he said

"I slammed the door in his face," I say

"Master Bruce," he said

"Hi Alfred, I got the feeling that I'm not wanted here, that's okay I'll go," he said

"No master Jason please stay," said Alfred

"Bruce, hey why'd you slam the door on me," he asked

"Jason, I panicked," I said

"At the disco?" he said

"Wow you're in a good mood, you just got a door slammed in your face," I say

"It happens all the time, where's the demon," he askes

"With the league," I say

"About the league, Lex Luthor visited Tim, the bomb that killed Dick was meant for me, that's why I'm here Timmy wanted me to be safe," he said

"I have to go talk with someone," I say walking to the batcave

I walk into the Batcave a drive to the League of Assassins

POV: Jason

I lie in my old room and stare at the celling, after an hour I walk to the cave and call Bruce

"Bruce pick up," I say

"Master Jason, he is talking to Ra's," said Alfred

I get side kicked out of the Batcave chair

"Fuck you demon!" I yell

"Master Jason," said Alfred

"Nice to see you too Todd," said Damian

"Yeah, yeah," I say back

I walk back to my old room and call Tim, he was so happy to hear that I'm alive, not well but alive he apologized for making me stay here.

"Todd dinner is ready," said Damian

POV: Batman

I punch assassins left and right just to talk to Ra's I've been gone for hours, I throw the last assassin off the fifth floor and hear him hit the first floor.

"Ra's why did you bomb Arkham," I say

"How did you know it was me that bombed Arkham," he said

"Because I'm Batman," I say punching him

"I did not bomb Arkham, if I did then you would be dead to," he said

"You bombed Arkham trying to kill Jason Todd," I say

"Kill Jason Todd, I told Talia to put him in there because you lost him and that was my fault, I was giving him back to you," he said "why would I want to kill that and who gave you this information,"

"Lex Luthor," I say

"why that son of a," he bombed Arkham and laid it on me," he said "where's Jason, if he told you that I was killing him than I think he might be trying to kill Jason,"

"I have to go, sorry about the assassins," I say "five of them might be dead,"

"But you don't kill," he said

"Not if they get thrown out a window and fall down a mountain than it's not my fault," I say

POV: Jason

What the hell, my head feels funny, think Jay what happened?

"you will come with me boy," said lex

"In your dreams smart puff," I said

"I don't have time for this," said Lex "attack,"

That's what happened I got knocked out, by Lex Luthor, my god Roy will never shut up about this,

"Your awake finally, let's get down to business," he said

"What are we defeating the Huns," I say

"If I were you, keep your mouth shut," he said

A shot of electricity shoots threw me,

"You are Ra's Al Gul's greatest creation, I want to be the one to take it away," he said

"Look I don't know what happened between you and Ra's but please leave me out of it," I say

"Shut up you piece of garbage," he said

He punched me in the head, my vision went blurry for a few seconds

POV: Batman

"Robin where's the Knight," I ask

"I don't know we called him down for dinner, and then we heard a bang, we ran upstairs and the window was broken and he was gone," said Robin "Oh and also it Nightwing,"

"Alright just find Jason," I say

POV: Bruce

Four days later

"Alfred where is he," I say

"Sir, maybe master Jason is...dead," he said

"No not again," I say "I can't lose him again,"

POV: Jason

"Why won't you just kill me," I say

"Because you killed over three thousands of my men," he said

"Oh sorry for that," I said weakly

"But now five days of you suffering is over Jason Todd," he said "Time to die,"

I hear the beeping of a grenade and then a hole is in the wall, I guess Batman did care about me

"The Cavalry is here," said Roy

"Roy Harper am I glad to see you," I say

"I hit him with a sleeping arrow but he won't be out for long," he said

"Okay, thanks Roy," I say "Did you say the cavalry is here,"

"Hey, it took me forever to think of that," he said

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