New York City

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Ten days later

"Tim you're just leaving," said Stephanie

"I have to," I say

"But why," she said

"Can't say," I say

"Okay, just be safe," she said

"Thanks Steph you too," I say walking down the stairs of the manor

"Love you Tim," she whispered

POV: Bruce

"Leaving, Tim," I say

"Bruce, I have to, you won't understand, it's Dick I can't in case I say something, I just-

"Don't worry over that Tim if it comes out then it does," I say cutting him off

"Okay bye Bruce," he said walking past into another room

POV: Jason

"Hey princess," I say

"Hey Jay, um, bye I guess," he said

"Okay bye," I say giving him a hug and making sure that no one is looking

"Damian," he said walking past him

"Drake," said Damian

"You don't like him do you," I say

"Not in the slightest Todd, not in the slightest," said Damian

POV: Tim

New city, new house, no people that I know

"I guess you didn't want people to follow you,"

"Konner Kent, what are you doing here," I say

"Looking out for a friend," he said "do you have room for one more or not,"

"I have room, in my room," I say

He gives me the best smile as we walk to bed, Konner just falls asleep, but I can't get to sleep so easily, I run my finger up my mouth and find the scar that the joker made and find myself falling asleep, so I wake up from a nightmare and wake up Konner to, I turn around and hang on for dear life onto his black tank top, he gives me a hug and somehow gets me to fall asleep,

"Tim, Tim GET UP!" said Konner

I fall out of bed

"Konner what the, why did you do that," I say

"Bruce is calling you," he said

"Bruce what do you want," I say

"Are you alone," he said

"Yeah I'm alone why," I say lying

"How was the first night," he said

"It was okay nothing bad happened, why," I say

"Is Konner with you because Clark can't find him and he's not with the Titans," he said

"No sorry I have no clue where Konner is," I say

"Okay sorry to bug you, bye," he said

"Bye," I say as I hang up the phone "Konner call Starfire and tell her you're in New York City, but don't say you're with me kay," I say

"Okay Tim," he said standing at the door way

"Want to get lunch," I say

"Okay sure," he said

We find a place to eat, and get pizza we shared two and just talked, I wonder how Dick is doing

POV: Dick

"Alright ladies, Helena could not join us today, so you're stuck with me for the next hour, you're my problem, okay," I say

"Okay," said the girls

POV: Tim

"Konner, you hear," I say

No response, cool got the house to myself,

"Tim," he said

"Konner, hey," I say walking up to him

"It's raining what you want to do," he said

"Let's watch a movie," I say

Konner falls asleep and lay a blanket over him and go to bed, he's so cute, and I turn off the lights and go to sleep, as I close my eyes, I drift off into a twisted world 

"Tim, have you seen Konner, he never came home," said superman

"He is in New York with me," I say

I go home and find Konner dead... dead on the floor, the floor breaks and all I can see is, me, in a dark room and I'm strapped to a chair, it's the joker he's making me into Joker Jr, I cover my eyes, and when I open them I see my dad punching me over and over telling me that I'm a horrible son that I spend too much time with Bruce, he kicks me and I hear and feel my ribcage break.

POV: Konner

I wake up to find myself on Tim' couch and I see him in bed with blanket around his waist in a pool of sweat, I run over and shake him awake

POV: Tim

It hurts so much make to stop please, its gone the twisted world is gone I see my younger self sitting down on the ground with chains around my neck, ankles and writs holding me down with an endless amount of chains to them I fall to the ground and cry, all the abuse my father gave me, it held me back but my younger self looks up and smiles as if nothing is wrong and everything is okay but it's not, I feel someone grab my shoulders and shake me, I look around and find the warp I was just in, 

it was just a dream and right in front of me is Konner with a worried look.

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