like "father" like "son"

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 POV: Jason

"Alfred," I yell

"Master Jason, what the bloody hell happened to you," he said

"Jason, I was so worried," said Bruce

"You, I WAS ABOUT TO DIE BRUCE," I yell "AGAIN, you don't care do you, I was close to death again and you lost your chance to save me,"

"Jason I looked everywhere," he said

"You didn't look everywhere Bruce," I say walking out of the room

POV: Roy

"Roy, how did you find him," asked Bruce

"Mr Wayne I have lived with Jason for a while I know where to find him even if he is kidnaped I just have a feeling," I say

"Roy don't let your feelings overwhelm you Oliver told me everything about you," he said

"I have Lian," I say

"You want Jason," he said

I said nothing and walked off to see Jason, ha Bruce thought I liked Jason, no I have Lian and jade, Jason is my best friend Ollie got the wrong idea.

POV: Jason

I fix myself up and clime out the window if Tim wants me to be safe I'll stay with him, I get to the airport and a plane ticket and fly to New York

POV: Tim

I walk out of the shower and get jump scared by Jason

"What the hell are you doing here," I ask

"I got kidnapped Tim, by Lex Luthor," he said

"Oh god I'm so sorry," I said

"Don't worry Timmy," he said

"Hey Tim did you want to watch a movie and hug on the couch," said Konner walking into the apartment "oh hi Jason"

"Konner," said Jason he walked up to Kon and gave him a hug "If you ever hurt my Babybird you will be sorry," he whispered "anyway how are you Konner Kent *cough Drake*"

"Really Jaybird," I said "really,"

"I was going to stay here if that's okay," said Jason

"That's okay you can stay,"


POV: Damian

"Robin!" yelled Batman

"It's Nightwing, I took it off my fath - Dick, and I took Dick's Nightwing costume," I say

"Did you go to call Dick your father?"

"No, I did not,"

"Don't lie Robin,"


I walk out of the Batcave and go to my room and play with Ace, an hour later I walk back to the cave

"Wow some Father you are not looking after your child,"

I feed Batcow and go back to my room and write a note for Dick

POV: Batman

Damian didn't call him Grayson, it's strange oh shit

"Strange give it up,"

"No Batman Arkham City will happen again and you can't stop me,"

I throw a Batarang at Strange it knocks him out

"Gordon here's Strange,"

"Thank you Batman,"

I leave and drive back into the Batcave,

"Alfred did Damian say anything to you about Dick being his dad," I ask

"No but he did take a walk," he said

"Alfred you know him, he can't go out in the middle of the night unless he's with someone, me and both know this," I say

"He was not in his costume, I mean he is talking a walk out back," he said

I walk to the back window and see him at someone's grave, must be Dick's

"Damian," I say

"Go away, Wayne," he said coldly

"What did you just say," I ask

He gave me a folded piece of paper

"You were never there for me, Richard was," he said

Damian changed his name to Grayson

"Why," I ask "Why would you do this, you just made yourself an orphan,"

"Just like my father, I know," he said

"I don't like what you did, go to your room," I say with anger


POV: Tim

"What do you guys what to watch," asked Jason

"A good movie I guess," said Konner

"A nightmare on Elm Street," said Jason

"YES," Konner and I said at the same time

After the movie Konner and I went to bed and Jason slept on the couch

(Skip to morning)

"Hey Tim," asked Jason

My eyes slowly opened

"What do you want," I ask

"I'm taking a shower," he said

"Okay I don't care," I say

"Cool," he said

I feel arms hug me

"Good Moring Konner," I say smiling

"Moring," he said

We laid in bed for the next couple hours not wanting to move


Hello everyone i feel so bad that this took so long, blame school, 

i hope you guys enjoy and if any of you guys are fans of A nightmare on elm street i am writing a Freddy Krueger x reader and that will come out full so no waiting for chapters 

anyway Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone

Take Back The Nightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें