You're not dead, wait what

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POV: Dick

"Look I just want everyone to know that I'm not dead and we did it for everyone's safety," I say

"Dick I don't know what to believe in anymore," said Babs

"Drake and Kent are making out, it's really gross," said Damian

"Demon just let them be," said Jason

"Shut up Todd no one cares about you," said Damian walking off

"And as for you Dick, the next time you want to die tell us about it, okay," said Jason

"Dick I need your help every inmate at Arkham got out," said Bruce

"Okay Bruce coming," I say

"Please no holys," said Bruce

"Holy no holys Batman," I said "Hahahahahaha,"

"That's not funny Dick," said Bruce

"Hahaha holy not sorry Batman," I said "okay I'm done,"


"No Agent 37," yelled batman


"No Dick wake up, no, dick," said Bruce "Alfred help,"

I feel Bruce carry me into the Batcave, I see Alfred holding rags on me, my ears are ringing I can see Tim and Konner and Jason all with worried faces, I'm going to be alright, right?

"Bruce is this another trick," asked Jason

"No it's not," said Bruce

I look at Bruce and my vision starts to go white I hear them all yell and scream and cry, I hear the heart monitor beep's so fast, I can't move.

POV: Bruce


No, Dick you can't go now, he looks at me with his crystal blue eyes he looks up and starts to have a seizure the monitor is beeping fast, too fast.

POV: Jason

"Alfred you have to help him he's having a seizure," I say

"Master Jason there is nothing I can do for him," he said it looks like he's about to cry

The monitor is beeping fast, it stops with a straight line on the monitor, Tim falls to the ground and starts to cry, I walk out of the cave and walk to the kitchen and throw as many things ageist the wall as I can, I throw the last vase and fall to the ground and cry, I lost a friend, a brother, this must be how Dick felt when I died.


I don't believe this he's dead and he's not coming back, before when he faked it, I had this feeling that he was not gone, but now, I feel like a piece of my soul has been ripped out, I can't eat, drink, I don't feel anything but grief and pain

"Jay, you okay," said Tim

"First you, now this," I say

I feel my heart beat in my ears, this is more painful then what the joker did to me, I need to go


POV: Tim

Konner and I get a plane back to my apartment in New York, I walk into the room and sit on the bed.

"Hey Babybird," said Konner,

"I'm not in the mood Konner," I say

I feel arms wrap around my waist and I feel Konner's head on my shoulder, and then someone knocks at the door and destroys our moment

"I'll get it," says Konner "oh Lex, what the fuck are you doing here,"

"I came to tell Mr Drake I'm sorry that he lost his brother," said Lex "and that it was the League who dropped the bomb,"

"What," I said walking to the door

"No Tim, Lex I hope your plane crashes on your way back to metropolis, fuck off," said Konner slamming the door "Tim please don't listen to him,"

"Konner please," I say "I lost a brother I need to know what happened,"

"I can help," said Lex

"How did you get in here," asked Konner

"It was Ra's al gul he dropped the bomb, his goal was to kill Jason Todd," said Lex

"Wait why," I ask

"Ra's is trying to destroy something that should have been dead years ago," said Lex "good day"

Lex walks out the door and locks it behind him, I have to tell Jason Ra's is trying to kill him something is up, I feel Konner hug me.

"Let's go to bed Timbo," said Konner

"Yeah let's," I say

As I lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes for sleep, I see and hear the joker, he, he's killing Jason hitting him with a crowbar, I run up and try to attack the Joker but when I do I feel electricity threw my veins I wake up screaming

"TIM what happened, you okay?" said Konner

"Yeah it's nothing don't worry," I say I walk to the kitchen and get a glass of water

"Tim it's not nothing is it," asked Konner

"Look I'm a member of the Batfamily a good night sleep is hard to come by," I say Konner looks a little more okay with the fact that I told him that nightmares are normal.

We walk back to bed, I rest my head on the pillow and feel warm arms hug me as I drift off to sleep with my brother in the back of my mind.

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