pain and chains

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POV: Damian

I'm trying to sleep when something walks into my room, I just try to go back to sleep because I don't want father to know that I'm awake, then all a sudden something or someone pushes me out of bed and throws me ageist the TV and I black out

"No one is coming for you Robin," said Deathstroke

I remember now I was trying to go out on patrol without Father knowing I'm still in my Robin Costume, and I hope Dick or somebody will come looking for me

"Don't get your hopes up Boy," he said "you can scream, you can cry but boy no one will find you, you are going to die right here, and don't think I won't make it quick I will make it slow,"

I can just feel the smirk behind the mask, he gets a whip from his belt and pushes me on the ground and starts, it hurts like hell but he can't know that he's giving me that pain.

After what just happened, he chains me up against the wall and pushes my back to the wall and my blood goes every were he chains my feet to the wall to and then he leaves the room

"," I say very, very weakly, I can't go I never said goodbye to Dick, Tim, Alfred, father, Barbra, Stephanie, Cassy or Carrie I can't go, not just yet

"Look at what I just found," he said putting some kind of collar on me "you do anything this will happen,"

Then a shock of electricity runs sight threw my neck and my back, after that he just walks out leaving me there and God knows what he's going to do after that

POV: Dick

"Bruce Damian's gone, he gone he got kidnapped," I say running across the corridor in the middle of the night

But no one listens so I drop to the ground and cry and I don't stop for minutes until Jason walks up the stairs and sits next to me and giving me a hug and ruing my shoulder, and just to make things better Barbra and Carrie walk out of their rooms and seeing me cry

"Dick he's okay," said Carrie

"No he's not," said Bruce and that just made me cry more "Deathstroke got him and God only knows what he's going to do to Damian,"

"We need help," said Carrie "not just from anyone, from a villain,"

"Carrie what *sniff* gave you that idea," I say

"I don't know maybe one might know where he is," she said

"Well we can't take our chances Dick," said Bruce "but who do we call,"

"I don't care just get him back," I say crying more

"Well hiya Wingnut," said Harley

"Batman you call her," I say "why,"

"Nightwing we have no choice," said Jason

"Doncha think I can'av somfin to drink," said Harley "Dick,"

"What, Quinn how do you know his name," said Batman

"I just do," she said

POV: Damian

Deathstroke grips on my hand and pushes it into hot coal the pain is so bad that I yell and scream and Deathstroke finally pulls my arm out of the coal and terns on the collar and I scream in pain and he just laughs, after that he chains me up and starts to whip me again, after about an hour of whipping he leaves the room, I can't bare the pain anymore and start to cry and whimper and breath very heavily, I feel like just letting go and let all my strength turn into weakness but I can't I never gave Grayson a last good bye , so I can't I just have to keep on going with the pain, I start to think of all the good times I had with my family and if I will ever see them again

"Well, well, well they always said the cry of a robin is one of the saddest things in life," said Deathstroke walking up to me, I get mad and want to show him that I have strength left so I spit in his face, but little did I know that he had a crowbar and hit me across the head

"You see this was not for you I have worse things, but the crowbar is for someone else," he said

I just hang there looking at him and hoping that he'll go away and thank God he did with the strength that I have left I start to pick the handcuff with my nails, it's good that he didn't cut them off, when I got out I ran to a computer and sent Father my location when it sent Deathstroke got me and pliers and pulled off my nails I scream like hell and Deathstroke drags me out of the cell

"You have really bad security," I say

"What do you mean," he said

And then a Batarang fly's across the room making Deathstroke let go of me and I fall to the ground when I feel someone pick me up and runs, I look at him and It's Grayson I wrap my arms around him as he puts me in the batwing, then I pass out

"Stay with me Damian," he said as I black out "please, stay with me,"

I wake up in Graysons room, I turn my head and see Grayson reading a book, he looks up, drops the book and gives me a hug, and I feel his wet tiers on my shoulder I wrap my hands around Grayson, and Father walks in and waits for Grayson to stop, after a while Father pulls Grayson away from me and Father gives me one to I close my eyes and wait, I never want this hug to end, Todd walks in and pushes Father away from me and he starts to cry

"Don't you ever go away from me again," he said "please I swear if anyone try or dares to hurt you they have to go threw me,"

After a day of watching movies with Grayson and Todd Father walks in

"Damian, Talia is coming down from the league to see you," he said

"That's fine," I say "as long as I stay here it's okay,"

"Oh and please wake up Dick and tell him to change I need to talk with him in the Batcave," he said

"Okay Father," I say

I push Grayson off the Couch, and tell him to, get changed and head to the Batcave

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