"What the hell are you doing here, B?" I queried, getting straight to the point. I didn't need any of my workers thinking we're an item and I most certainly didn't need word getting back to Melrose.

"I just came to see you before my flight left this evening. Aren't you excited to see me, Raine?"

"See you leave? Yes, I'm pretty damn ecstatic for your departure which you should be making right now." I pointed at the door, hoping she'll take my advice and get out, but instead she walked up to me, rubbing her hands up and down my chest.

"Awe, don't be like that Raine. I thought we could have a little fun for old times sake." She grabbed my penis and attempted to massage it but that wasn't about to happen.

Taking a step back, I folded my arms and stared at her in disbelief. "You really are a delusional woman if you thought you were gonna waltz your knocked knees ass up in my place of work with some stale ass candy and have sex with me. Get the hell out of here with that stupid mess, B."

"It was worth a shot, but at least let me know if you like your other surprises in the envelope." Lifting a brow in suspicion, I side eyed the envelope on my desk and looked up to see her smirking at me.

I picked it up and held it to the light,  but couldn't see anything. Thick ass envelope. "What's in here, B?"

She shrugged. "You just have to open it and find out for yourself. I'd advise you not to open it around your little girlfriend. I have a feeling she won't be to pleased with what she sees. I'll be going now, but this isn't the last you'll see of me and tell Melrose I'll be reaching out to her soon."

Feeling my anger rising at the mentioning of Mel, I pushed her out of the way and swung the door opened. "Get out!"

"Typical Raine. Always dodging his problems." She shook her head and stood in the doorway, preventing it from closing. "You can't run forever. Remember that."

She turned and strutted down the hall, putting an extra sway in her hips. Ignoring her antics, I went back inside of my room and gathered up my belongings since it was time for me to leave. I put the envelope in my desk drawer and locked it. No one needed to stumble on whatever B unpredictable ass put inside of it. I locked up my office and went next door to let Donna know I was off for today and she could leave once she finish scheduling my appointments for the rest of this week and next week. Her door was already open so I stopped in front of her room and knocked on the door.

"I'm on my way out for the day. Are you done with my upcoming appointments?" I queried and she jumped to her feet, coming around the desk with a small stack of papers.

"There were some meetings on Tuesday that overlapped the others you have on that day so I pushed the times back from noon to one forty five. Is that alright, sir?" She asked with hopefulness laced in her voice.
"That's perfect, Donna." I took the papers from her, scanning over the details. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Well, my job is to make your job less stressful and I'm very much dedicated to my job."

I nodded, understanding where she's coming from. "That you are and because of your dedication, you get to leave work early and take next week off. I'll be in meetings everyday all day and there won't be much I'll need for you to do here."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Mercier. If you need any assistance with anything, please call me and I'll be here right away."

"I know you will, but I don't bother employees on off days, so enjoy this upcoming week because the week after that will be hectic. Now pack up your things and get out of here. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." She thanked me again and I left her alone to do whatever it is that she needs to do. When I made it to my car, I frowned seeing rose pedals decorating the outside of it. This has B's name written all over it because Mel wouldn't do anything like this even on her good days. I swiped off as much of the pedals as possible and got in my car to call her. She sent me to voicemail four times and I received a text shortly after.

From the amount of times you called, I'm guessing you saw what I did to your car. I hope you like it!

My fingers moved a mile per minute as I texted her back.

You don't know when to quit do you? What point are you trying to prove?

I hit send and started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot. B is playing in a ring of fire bringing her infantile actions to my job. I was raised to respect women and that's what I've always done but B isn't a woman. She's some kind of evil in human form and I've been taught to do whatever it takes to keep the devil off and around you. While sitting at a traffic light she sent me a multimedia message with a short message.

Melrose could never look like this

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Melrose could never look like this. Do you see how beautiful I am? Don't you miss me? Us? Come on, Raine. Get your head out of her ass and get with a real woman.

Granted, B is an attractive woman but her attitude, character and personality makes her ugly and she's proven that fact. Leaving her message on read, I dropped the phone in the cup holder and continued on with my day. Although, she just had to go out with a bang, I've been at ease knowing B is on her merry way out of Seattle and across the country. Now I can put my entire focus on Melrose and our relationship. I will make it right with her even if it's the last thing I do.

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