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Raine's Pov

It's been two days since the festival and Melrose has been giving me the silent treatment. Not the full treatment but enough to drive me insane. When I call or text, she gives one word answers or speak with no emotions. Even my attempts of winning her over with food has been an epic fail. Melrose never turns down food. Ever! Which tells me she isn't going to let the situation go. It frustrates me how we can barely go a full week without one of us getting upset with the other. I've been wondering if this is the universe's way of showing us we just weren't meant to be together. If so, I don't give a damn what the universe is trying to say. I'm not going to give up on a relationship with Mel. I plan to stop by her house after work to sit her down and put the truth out there. I just pray it doesn't backfire on me.

"Mr. Mercier, you have a meeting at two fifteen." My assistant, Donna announced upon entering my office.

"Thank you, Donna. Have I received any word back from Mr. Takamura? He was supposed to call you yesterday." Her face read frightened and I knew she was about to tell me something devastating. "Just spill it already."

"He wasn't pleased with the deal you offered him because he thinks you're being greedy with his share of the profits."

"Greedy? I offered the buffoon forty percent of the profits. That's fifteen percent more than what I've offered any other company."

"I know sir but he decided to partner with Blanco Co." Blowing out a breath of frustration, I propped my hand up under my chin. Mr. Takamura would've been my official retirement plan had he partnered with my company. He owns one of the biggest company in all of China, making him the richest man there. Working with him would've brought me and the company an estimate of six hundred and fifty million dollars and for him not to partner with me is the biggest loss I've taken. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

"No, that will be all Donna." I waved her off and the sound of her heels clicking against the floor and the door closing followed seconds after. I took a few minutes to reflect on my deal gone wrong before I walked into this meeting. As a professional you should never let your anger and emotions be shown. It isn't a good look for you or your brand and I've learned years ago to mask my true feelings in a business environment. Once I felt calm enough, I stood up and walked around my desk and out of my office. "Ok, let's do this."


"Mr. Mercier, there's a woman here to see you and she sent these for you." Donna said, coming up to me with a box of candy bars and an envelope.

"Thank you, Donna. Tell Sherri to let her up and you show her to my office." I took my gifts from her and went inside my office, closing the door behind me. Once I was in complete privacy, I went to smiling and jumping around like a female. For once Mel, chose to be the bigger person and put her pride aside first. Not only that she sent me my favorite chocolates with an apology letter. I knew I loved that woman for a reason. Opening the box of Nestlé Crunch, I took a bar out and unwrapped it quickly. I don't recall the last time I've eaten one. I bit off more than I could chew, literally and started choking. Dropping the candy bar, I hit myself in the chest to help the stuck piece go down. Picking up my cup, I sipped the now cold tea and was relieved once I felt the chunk slide down my throat. A knock on the door caught my attention and I yelled for the person to come in.

"Here she is, Mr. Mercier." I heard Donna say from behind me. Turning around, my smile dropped as soon as my eyes landed on B. "Would you like for me to bring her a cup of coffee or tea sir?"

"No, she won't be staying that long to need anything. Thank you, Donna. You can go now." She nodded and shut the door, leaving us alone.

"I see you enjoyed the chocolates I got you." She motioned her head towards the half eaten candy on my desk.

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