eleven: k + l

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"You don't look half bad Mullet," Lance said. He was helping Keith tie his tie. It wasn't that Keith couldn't tie a tie it's just that Lance wanted to tie his tie for him. So there they were, standing only a few inches apart while Lance tied his tie.

"Not so bad yourself McClain." Lance had this charming smile that made Keith's knees go weak. He wanted to pull Lance down to his height and kiss the hell out of him. But he didn't. He just kept his fists by his sides and kept his eyes fixed on Lance's. Despite his cockiness, Lance's cheeks were a faint shade of red. His freckles shone bright like he dotted them with paint.

"Why are you looking at me like that." Lance's fingers were still wrapped lightly around Keith's tie as he cocked his head. Keith's heart kind of stopped. He wondered if this feeling would ever go away; that feeling that he was about to puke up his insides and melt all of his bones. He wondered if he could ever feel sane around Lance again.

"Like what?" Lance chuckled.

"Like that. All... I don't know." And Keith knew it. It was that look he'd always catch himself giving Lance. It was the one of utter admiration. It was the look a parent might give a newborn baby, one of love that never ended. "Are you sure your throat doesn't hurt too much? We don't have to go if you don't feel good." Keith smiled compassionately and placed his hands on Lance's chest.

"Trust me, I'm fine. I just lost my voice that's all." Lance was kind. Ever since last night he'd made sure Keith was comfortable or warm enough or just okay. Keith had no reason to be upset with Lance right there.

"Okay then, let's go." Keith wasn't entirely sure what he suspected. He had this vague picture of what it might've been, but it was just the room his friend had his Bar Mitzvah in. It was maybe just a small room with a wooden square for the dance floor maybe with some red curtains or whatever. He also expected there to not be a lot of people because it was just advertised on this stupid hand drawn poster.

Keith wasn't entirely wrong. The room was a bit bigger than what he pictured. There were glow sticks and such, so no one could really see anything. Lance seemed really happy. This was a part of him that he must've been robbed of when he went off to college. He was so used to dancing in the living room with his family to every song on the radio. Cutie Lance and the way his eyes lit up hearing the music.

"Keith go find us a table, I can get us drinks." At that they separated. Keith awkwardly scouted the area for a moment, feeling widely out of place. Why was he even here? And why didn't Lance forget that he promised to be here? He felt like a red stain on a white shirt. So he scooted around the edge to find a table. Uncomfortably, he sat at a high table for two. The chairs were pretty comfortable.

When he set his eyes on Lance, he was laughing with someone. It was a boy who was about Keith height. Lance looked so sweet, laughing like that. His eyes glimmered and he held two things that looked like a Slushie. His back was bent back a little as he leaned back in laughter. Keith wanted to run right up to Lance and pull him back because he felt so uncomfortable. There were dozens of people around and they all looked like they fell right into place. Keith didn't. Were his suspenders even? Did his hair look okay? Did he look awkward?

"Earth to Keith!" Someone called. It was Lance blinking at him from across the table. He smiled when Keith made eye contact. "I got us Granizados. They are kind of like Slushies. Try it." Lance slid one of them across the table, leaving a water stain on the dark tabletop.

"Thanks," Keith said. He took the straw between his teeth and tasted the lemony drink. It wasn't bad. "Tastes identical to a Slushie." Lance just shrugged. He looked cute, which was nothing new, but still. He was leaned back in his chair with the straw between his lips. The music wasn't super loud, but it was muffled as the speakers faced the dance floor.

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