five: keith and his obsessions

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"Because I was the one who got Pidge kicked out of your dorms."

Keith froze. His brain was slow in the morning so it took a second to process which just scared Lance more. Lance took a step back and felt around his bed covers for his bag. Keith blinked. This was why Lance was so suspicious of Keith posting his number.

"You what?" Keith pressed. Lance bit his lip hard. He looked tired like he'd spent a whole night practicing his approach to Keith. Keith was wide awake, sitting up on his bed and watching Lance curl and break under his glare.

"Please don't make me repeat it. Please don't." Lance got his bag on his back and walked towards the door. He continued to watch Keith with that sad puppy pout. His tail was between his legs now as he slipped out the door. At the very last second before the door was shut, Lance covered his mouth with his hand and curled over his stomach. Keith ran a hand through his hair. He had to cool off. There was no way he could fight Lance again despite how much of an idiot he was.

Keith couldn't even fix himself he was so upset. He just popped a couple Tic Tacs in his mouth while he stomped down to the cafeteria where Pidge was hopefully eating breakfast and Lance was hopefully not. He didn't bother stand in line for sausage, he sat down right in front of Pidge who was talking with Shiro.

"Hey Keith-"

"It was Lance!" Keith whisper yelled. "Lance Ass-Cain ratted you out to the school." Keith planted his hands firmly on the metal table and leaned over them condescendingly. Pidge giggled and mumbled "Ass-Cain" under her breath.

"Woah, Keith, you need to actually calm down. You know I don't say that very often, but you need to chill the flip out," Pidge said in a more serious tone. Pidge really didn't ever tell Keith to calm down. Keith sat on the stool and slammed a hand on the table.

"No I don't! Pidge we would've been fine if it wasn't for that prick." Shiro watched cautiously, scared if he stepped in Keith would bite his head off, which Keith would most definitely do.

"Just think... you like him, you can spend time with him-"

"I don't like Lance! I hate Lance. He's the most annoying prick ever and I wish I never have to see his stupid face again." Pidge laughed like something was actually funny. Keith watched her confused. It reminded him of last night, he got an adrenaline rush just thinking about it.

"You don't hate Lance, you're just mad. Actually fucking chill please, it's nothing to be upset about." Keith didn't want to calm down. He wanted to find Lance and ask why he would do something so dumb like that. "You're wearing his hair tie." Keith looked down at his wrist to find that black hair tie with the soft, sea-foam green bow. Keith angrily threw it on the table and stood up, going to find Lance.

"Keith, that's not a good idea!" Shiro called. Some of the dining hall was staring at Keith expectantly, like he was going to do a soapbox speech or something. He didn't care whether he yelled at Lance in public or private, he just wanted to yell at him. The sound of angry footsteps echoed through the hall as Keith stormed out. There was a whole campus where he could be, Keith had no idea where to look. He started by scanning the courtyard where several people were having breakfast some looked up at the loud click of the door behind Keith.

Lance was there. He was walking across the courtyard with a towel in his hand. He must've gone to the gym because he looked sweaty and tired. Keith speed walked right up to him, taking him by surprise as he grabbed the front of his shirt. Color immediately left Lance's face in fear.

"Lance you're a fucking idiot!" Keith screamed. Lance didn't bother get defensive, he was too scared.

"I know! You've told me." Keith shook the boy a little. His head wobbled on his neck like a bobble head. People were watching.

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