Chapter 2- 100 slices of pizza

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The photo above is Gamma Eliza and Lucus her mate.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and saw three people staring at me. I immediately screamed and jumped up from my bed wrapping the blanket around my body. Ms. Jones quickly said, "Oh honey, I just wanted to introduce you to our Gamma, Eliza and her mate, Lucas.". Eliza stepped forwards holding out her hand with a serious smile on her face "Hi Paige, I'm Eliza Reid and this mischevious child is Lucas Bason." I took her hand and she shook it firmly. A voice interrupted our conversation and Lucas whined "but I'm your mischevious child" Eliza looked at him with loving eyes mumbling "yes you are" then she pulled him in for a gentle yet passionate kiss. Ms. Jones coughed and the couple separated quickly, "Lucas darling, can you show Paige the ropes of the pack and honey promise me you won't get into too much trouble.". "Oh Liza, you know I can't promise that but Paige will sure have fun. Paige, get dressed we've got people to see and places to be." Eliza sighed, grabbed her mates hand and pulled him out of the room.

I showered quickly and pulled on some lingerie, a floral dress, a denim jacket, a scarf, my usual bare feet and my hair braided reaching mid-thigh. I quickly grabbed my bag, I walked out the door and to the kitchen before Lucas got mad. I walked into the kitchen and saw about five young girls and boys were sitting at a table giggling. They looked me up and down and I saw their eyes were drawn to my long hair, one of the children said "Hi I'm Emma. Are you the new girl Ms. Jones took in? Can we play with your hair? Would you like to be our friend?" I was overwhelmed by this enthusiastic child since Lucas was nowhere to be found I just mumbled "Sure... I guess." They sounded so excited you would think they had won the lottery and they pulled me down onto a couch. I sat while they pulled at my hair and told me things about themselves. "Hi I'm Jackson and I'm nine years old.", "My name is Katie, I'm eight and when I grow up I'm gonna be a pack fighter." , "Hi I'm Venessa and James is my mate.", "Hello, My name is James and you are?", I laughed at his boldness and replied: "I'm Paige Galena and it's very nice to meet you all." They had finished braiding my hair and Lucas was still nowhere in sight so we watched a weird movie about a half fish kid called Arial.

I was starting to wonder why we hadn't seen any other people in a house where 100 people live so I asked: " Where is everybody?" The kids just shrugged and focused their attention back on the TV. I pulled out my Aunts phone and called Ms. Jones "Ms. Jones, where is everyone? I mean I thought 100 people lived here but I can't seem to find anyone other than these 5 children." there were a few seconds of silence before she replied, "I at work but I'll text you when I find out whats happening." So I returned to the TV until my phone buzzed. Maya Jones: The water has been poisoned with wolfsbane. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER! Everyone is sick so they are all in the pack hospital. If you start feeling sick please go to the pack infirmary. I was shocked, I had been here one day and someone had already poisoned the water.

Draco Stidolph P.O.V

I was visiting my sister, Autumn, Alpha of the Asia pack. She is my favorite of my siblings because she is the second oldest and so as kids when our real family would gather 12 times a year it was better training with her than listening to my Mum fight with Alphas or with my 4 other younger siblings doing something childish. I love everyone in my family (sort of) but I always connected with her more than the rest of them.

My sister's secretary walked in and handed me my phone "There's a call from your Gamma, Sir" she said before leaving the room. I held the phone to my ear and I heard my Gamma Eliza say "Hey Dray, someone poisoned our water with wolfsbane. Nobody is dead but everyone except 6 people are very sick. Emma Green, Jackson Wilson, Katie Tompson, Venessa Chung, James Miller and Paige Galena who all had some of the water" My wolf started howling and getting mad as no one hurts my pack but then I realized I have no clue who Paige Galena is so I asked Eliza "Who the hell is Paige Galena and why is she drinking my water?" I started pacing back and forth around Autumn's office "She's your Mum's best friends niece who came to live with us after her Aunt died. The crazy thing is Emma Green, Jackson Wilson, Katie Tompson, Venessa Chung and James Miller have all been affected by wolfsbane before but after spending the day with Paige they have all been completely fine with Wolfsbane in their system. It's like they never even touched it." I was shocked how some random girl can avoid a substance that has been killing our kind for generations.

"I'm coming home. Prepare my private jet, I want to be out of Shanghai and back in London by tomorrow." I ordered. I hugged Autumn and walked out of her office to go pack my bags. Within an hour I was on a plane and on my way back home. I should be back home in 11 hours and 30 minutes and I'll be back home at 7:30 in the morning. My wolf has just been going crazy because of the threats to my pack but even more than normal and the problem is he won't talk to me. I can only feel my wolf going crazy but he won't communicate with me and it is making me go insane not knowing

Paige Galena P.O.V

Nothing really happened the rest of the day, it was me and the 5 kids talking, playing games and watching movies. At dinner they ordered 150 pizzas for 100 people, that's insane! I can barely eat a whole pizza by myself but silly werewolves can easily eat two even when sick.See the problem with werewolves is they have to eat a lot to sustain their wolves and they never get fat because any time spent in your wolf turns it all into muscle. Not that I can talk because even though I lost my wolf as a child I still have werewolf blood in my veins making me stronger, faster and I have better senses than a human. Then I put on my pajamas and fell into a deep sleep.

Hey, so it may be late on a Saturday but it is still a Saturday and I posted. This is the first day of the holidays which is when I will be posting ever 2nd day (hopefully). I will hopefully post 14 times in the next 2 weeks. We finally met Draco, his Gamma but not his beta yet. (1223 words)

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