Chapter 1- Rosemary and daisies

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The photo above is the pack house.

17 years later...

Paige Galena P.O.V

I skipped through my herb garden wondering what to cook for dinner. Since Rosemary lamb is my Aunt Lucy's favorite, I will cook that. My leg brushed some thistle (a very common plant in Scotland also our national flower.) and I felt blood trickle down my leg onto my bare foot. So I did what any girl with magical powers would do, I wrapped it around my bleeding leg. I pictured the wound closing up and the blood flowing back into my skin. When I removed my hair my leg looked normal again and I felt my head pulsing a bit but that's normal after healing something. I let my hair settle back into its normal place just below my knees. I continued to pick herbs till my basket was overflowing with the fresh plants. I skipped back to the tower I called home when I heard a blood-curdling scream.

I dropped my basket and ran to the tower. I climbed the stairs three at a time, faster than I ever had. When I reached the living room I saw my kind and lively Aunt lying on the ground. I ran to her trying to feel a pulse but I couldn't find one. My heart broke as I thought of never being able to see my Aunt again. I lay my head on her body and cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep.

I woke up to see the sun rising up over the hills, my clothes damp and salty from crying all night. My Aunt had always told me that if anything happened to her to call her best friend Maya Jones. I flicked through my Aunts few contacts till I found her number.

Maya Jones P.O.V

When the Alpha Queen and Luno King had given me their baby to look after and raise to be the Alpha of Europe I was hesitant at first. They had six children to rule each one of the contents and they wanted me to raise one of their children I was shocked, to say the least. I was wrong as I have been extremely happy since. Sure there were low points like when my best friend Emma ran away with her niece or when Draco went through puberty but I've had a good life so far. I was pulled out of my deep thoughts by my buzzing phone. I was shocked when I saw Emma's name appear on my screen as we had talked yesterday and she only calls around once a month, but I picked up none the less. A young girl said, "Hello is this Maya Jones?" I was shocked "Yes, who is this?" I replied. "Well my name is Paige Galena, Lucy Stone is my aunt and she has died from a heart attack. She always told me to call you if anything happens to her and" the girl burst into sobs halfway through her sentence and my mothering instincts kicked in. "Okay Honey, I want you to text me your address and then start packing up all your things. I will come get you and you will come live with me and my family until you choose to move out. Okay?" She quickly answered with a "Yes Ms. Jones" and then I hung up. She sent me the address and I began the eleven-hour drive to her house in one of the pack's vans from London to a small town in Scotland.

After diving for eleven hours stopping only for gas, food and water, I finally pulled up a long driveway to a medieval-looking tower. I got out of the black van and knock on the door of the beautiful tower. A girl opened the door and I was taken aback by her appearance. She had straight blonde hair that ended below her knees, she had bright eyes that had different shades of green swirling through them, she was very short and petite with no makeup on. You could tell she had been crying from her puffy eyes and red cheeks and you could tell she was already in morning by her plain black dress with a white peter pan collar. She opened the door inviting me in I pulled her into a hug wrapping my arms around her small body. We walked into the tower in silence and she lead me into a bedroom with Lucy lying on the bed. Tears fell down my cheeks at the sight of my best friend. I stood there for a while just looking at her cold dead body wishing we could have met under different circumstances. Paige then spoke up "I dug her a grave in the garden where she wanted to be buried" I nodded then picked her up with ease as being petit seemed to run in their family. We took her to a hole in the ground that Paige had dug earlier, it was surrounded by daisies and rosemary which were Lucy's favorite plants. We laid her in the ground, place a white lace sheet on top of her delicately embroidered with daisies and rosemary. We then filed up the hole with dirt and stood in silence, our tears watering the ground. We went back inside in silence, placed her suitcases in the van and she drove while I slept.

I woke up feeling something on my shoulder. I quickly opened my eyes and I saw Paige gently shaking my shoulder. She whispered, "Ms. Jones, we have arrived at the address you told me to drive to." We walked inside and I gave her a tour of the huge apartment building the London members live in. She didn't say a word as we walked and since the pack was out on a run we were alone in the pack house. I spoke enough for the both of us as I told her all about our pack. I then showed her to her new bedroom and I left her alone with her new life.

Paige Galena P.O.V

If I had to use one word to describe how I'm feeling right now it would be overwhelmed. The town I used to live in had around 70 people in it but according to Ms. Jones around 100 people live in this huge house. I already knew about werewolves since my Aunt changed into her wolf a few times a week but she had only ever told me the basics on packs. I started unpacking my suitcases and think about everything Ms. Jones had told me about the werewolf community. She had told me that the Alpha Queen had six children so she split the earth up into 6 parts so that each one of her children could rule over the pack. Ms. Jones was told to raise the oldest child Draco and she continues to this day to be his Mum. His biological Mother died when he was 15 and from that point on he was Alpha of the Europe pack. He has a thing called Beta that is his best friend and second command. He also has a Gamma that is his third in command and another best friend. He has a mate that he hasn't met yet who he loves unconditionally and is his other half. This mate will become his Luna who will run the pack with him being his equal. I would usually have to meet Alpha Draco but he is away on a meeting visiting his sister, Alpha Autumn of Asia. Once I had finished unpacking I laid down in my bed and I slept the pain from my loving Aunts death. That night I felt like a fish trying to sleep on land because I was 1002km away from my comfort zone.

Hey, So I'm really sorry for not posting on Saturday but I had my birthday party this weekend so I decided to post on my birthday, I posted on Monday instead of on Saturday so sorry for being two days late. In one week the school holidays will begin and I will be uploading every two-three days in those two weeks. (1366 words)

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