“Go away, human.”

“I won’t be a human for much longer, actually,” The Guy grinned and instantly pushed down on the button.



Yorokobi’s head snapped up, pulling her out of her grief. She regonised that voice instantly, having been the person who had found her getting groceries at the market.

“Hoseki?” She murmured, leaving Yuutsu’s side. “What hap-”

She stopped dead in her tracks, noticing a writhing figure on the floor with the Guy standing beside her, the latter watching the scene unfold in amusement.

He licked his lips, “Now...will she hold out?”

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Nozomi screamed while being restricted by Eli, who had signs of tears in her baby blue eyes. “SEKI-CCHI!”

“No...zo...mi...” The girl whispered, her face drained of all colour and her veins a pulsating black. “I...”

She collapsed without managing to finish her sentence, leading Yorokobi to howl with fury and lash out with vengeful claws, catching the Guy around his middle.

The controller was thrown on the floor as she did so, giving Shiro the time to rush forward and crush it between his strong jaws.

As if on cue, Yorokobi started screaming in agony, her veins swiftly turning black as poison was pumped into her body from her neck.

“Yorokobi!” Eli called out, as the golden-brown haired girl fell to the floor in pain.

“Ah, 0005,” The Guy chuckled, wiping a trail of blood that trickled down his mouth as he got back onto his feet. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

Shiro’s eyes flickered between both his sisters lying on the floor, possibly dead, an unfazed look settling on his face.

His ears were pulled back, and his sharp canines were bared.

“You know that I can kill you as easily as a swipe of my paw.” Shiro growled, prowling back and forth in the wide corridor.

He turned to Eli and Nozomi, “Run.”

The blonde stood her ground, her eyes void of any visible emotion. “No, I’m staying here.”

“I’m not going anywhere without Elichi.” Nozomi finalized.

“Hmph.” The tiger grunted, knowing that there was no way to persuade them. “Fine.”

“What did you do?!” Eli demanded, her hands balled into fists.

The Guy chuckled, shrugging discreetly. “By crushing the device, you have just released poison into all those who have those metal collars around their necks.”

Eli’s eyes widened in shock, and she felt the world fall beneath her feet.


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