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So, how are we going to go about doing this?” Umi asked, her golden eyes fixed on the road.

Maki reached for the map, her purple eyes concentrating on a distant memory, I know where the lab is, but its structure might make this complicated.

Her companion nodded and focused on driving, her thoughts running everywhere in her mind, some of Kotori and some of what she was going to do to make up for the precious time they had lost in those two years.

Kotori...” She mumbled, trying to remember the last time she told her that she loved her.

Maki heard it, her red hair falling in front of her face untidily, something that Nico would always point out.

If, if, they do not make it out of this alive, who would look after Nico and Kotori?

And, how about Nozomi?

Maki. Now’s not the time to be thinking about this. She told herself firmly, and she could almost see Kasai’s flaming head nod in agreement at the back of her mind.

Right. Concentrate. I will worry about this later.

Figured the route out yet?” Umi asked from the wheel, her eyes meeting Maki's for a split moment.



Stay where you are.”

Eli turned sharply, coming face to face with a tall, bronze-haired man with similarly coloured eyes.

Instantly, she thought of Hoseki, seeing the resemblance between the both of them immediately.

The Guy smirked. You’re too late, champion.

Better late than never.He looked over at Eli and Nozomi, his serious gaze making them feel oddly safe.

“Let go of my sister," He threatened, holding his assault rifle up. Or I’ll shoot.

You’re not in a position to make demands, 0005.” He chuckled, his finger still poised over the red button. I believe that you know what this does...

Shiro hesitated, his cool bronze eyes resting on the Guy’s hand.

“Piss.” He muttered, running his fingers through his hair, a wary hand tense on the trigger of his gun.

“Uh, uh, uh...” The Guy smiled, “Language.”

Shiro bit down on his lower lip, exchanging quick glances with Eli.

Sighing, he whispered, “Get out of the way.”

Nodding, the blonde pulled Nozomi and watched as white fur sprouted all over, and his body crouched low to the ground.

A powerful, domineering white tiger stood in front of them, its shoulder muscles rippling fluidly.

His bronze eyes turned orange, and he put a paw forward.

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