"Attacking Is The Best Defence"

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She slowly opened her eyes.

All around her, swirled black pools of water, almost the colour of death itself.


Her head snapped around to the voice, and there, before her was a tall, white-haired girl with solemn icy blue eyes.

"Who...are you?" Eli blinked for a split second, and the girl disappeared, but in her place, stood a white wolf, in all majesty, staring at her with serious ice blue eyes.

"My name is not important." The wolf whispered, and it put a paw forward. "At least, for now."

"Where am I?" The blonde questioned, extremely wary of this wolf, and she took a step backward as it came closer.

"You're dead."

The reply hit Eli hard, and left her mouth dangling open.


"Dead. Simple. Yuutsu killed you." The white wolf stared her down emotionlessly, and sat on its haunches.
Eli covered her mouth unconsciously, and edged further back.

"That...can't be possible..." she mumbled, her baby blue eyes wide and scared.

"Well, it is possible." A knowing expression crossed its ice blue eyes and the wolf sighed. "I can, however, will you to go back."

The blonde snapped her head up, and she kept her gaze stern on the beast.

"How?" she asked, regaining control of her feelings. All is not over yet.

"I can't tell you how, but you have to promise me something." The white wolf pushed its snout into Eli's resting palm and closed its eyes. "Help me tell Yuutsu that I forgive him and...help us get revenge against the Guy and the Man."

Who is the Guy and the Man?

As if the wolf had heard her thoughts, it continued. "They were the ones who transferred my soul into you."

Confused, Eli's eyes met the wolf's.

"I too, am dead. I'm not a figment of your imagination, and neither am I just merely a vision." The beast murmured, pressing itself deeper into Eli's palm, closing its eyes in the process. "I'm part of you."

The blonde felt a large rush of wind blow towards her, as if attempting to push her back. She stayed firmly rooted into the ground, her feet planted into the water with her eyes squeezed shut, and soon, the wind came to pass.

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