“If that is so, I suppose that Kori told you everything.” He continued.

“Yes, she did.” The part Russian let go of Nozomi, keeping her gaze fixed in him. “She had a message for you, before she left.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“She loves you.” Eli elaborated. “And she forgives you too.”

Yuutsu clammed up, his blue eyes clouding with guilt and regret. “I wish that I didn’t have to be the cause of her death twice.”

Eli sat up, accepting Nozomi’s supporting hand around her waist. “I understand.”

“Let’s get you away from here.” Yuutsu changed the topic, assisting Nozomi. “We need to get you to Shiro.”


“Hold him down!” Maki shouted to Umi, who obliged, knocking him off his feet with a well-placed kick.

Both of them used their weight to keep him to the ground, leaving him no room to struggle.

“Shit.” He cursed as his movement was restricted. “You can’t hold me down forever, you know.”

“His strength has been drained after keeping that disguise on for over a day.” Umi explained to the others. “So he cannot fight back now, but once he regains his strength, he can easily escape.”

“Don’t give him any source of food or water. That way, we’ll be able to keep him weak.” Maki proposed, gesturing to Nico. “Nico-chan, bring anything that we can use to bind him up.”

The raven haired girl nodded and brought a length of rope for Maki to use. Kanashimi clicked his tongue impatiently as both the werewolves started tying him up.

“It’s really no use...” He whispered, intent on putting them off.

“We’ll try anyway.” Umi shot back, sending him a dangerous look.


“Quick.” Yuutsu whispered urgently, hurrying the both of them along the corridors. “He should be waiting at the entrance.”

“But-Shiro-he’s wanted, isn’t he?” Eli injected, holding on to Nozomi as she hobbled along.

“Wanted because the Guy and the Man made it that way.” For a moment, Yuutsu sounded annoyed as he checked around the corners. “Shiro was the only one who fully escaped this place.”

Eli exchanged glances with Nozomi, who gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

“Clear.” He waved a hand to them, gesturing for them to move forward.

Then, footsteps were heard as a figure emerged from the hallway.

Bronze eyes turned to look at them accusingly as a flash of turquoise blazed around the trio.

“Ho-Hoseki?!” Eli exclaimed, preparing to rush forward. Nozomi, however, prevented her from doing so, giving the blonde a look telling her that she would answer her questions later.

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