17. I Wanna See You Be Brave

Start from the beginning

"I'll make it a cold one." Jensen groaned, shifting from the bed and heading to the bathroom. I felt bad but we really did have to get to school. I got changed, pulling on my jeans from the day before and one of Jensen's hoodies over the top of one of his shirts. I liked wearing his clothes, I smelt like him all day.

I tied back my hair as Jensen came out of the bathroom and we got ready in comfortable silence. He grabbed my hand as we left his house and headed to his car. He looked over at me as we drove, his eyes dancing down my figure as I sat with my right knee up to my chest. "What?"

He smiled at me. "You're wearing my clothes." He stated.

I snorted at him, "I always wear your clothes."

"Not to school you don't." We pulled into the school parking lot and I waited for him to collect me from the car.

"Well, for some annoying reason we have no classes together so I have to improvise okay?"

He put his arm over my shoulder as we made our way into the school building. "Hey, I'm not complaining. I think you look cute."

"Cute." I muttered, heading to my locker. I put my bag away and grabbed my books, turning and leaning back against my locker after I closed it. I watched Jensen at his locker across the hall and he turned, heading back over to me with his books. He grabbed my hand to walk me to homeroom and we passed a sign for the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

I stopped in my tracks and Jensen fell in step beside me. I still hadn't asked him, not officially. I looked at the sign and then back at Jensen who was already looking at me, smirking knowingly.

"How about it?" I asked making him immediately start laughing. "What?" I laughed in return.

He was practically doubled over he was laughing so hard. "That's just about the least romantic way you could ever ask me, Sweetheart."

I wrapped my arm around his waist then and he calmed down, looking down at me. "Jensen? Sweetheart? Baby?"

He rolled his eyes but kept smiling at me. "Yes, Carm?"

"Will you do me the greatest honor of accompanying me to the dance?" I batted my eyelashes at him and he rolled his eyes again.

"You're lucky I love you." He laughed before kissing me passionately. "I would love to. Now let's get you to class."

· * * * * * * * * *

School went on as usual until I entered Art class later that day, just before lunch. There were easels set up in a circle facing the middle of the class which was odd since we normally faced the front.

"What's going on?" I asked Lydia as I took an easel beside hers, setting down my tool box of art supplies.

She shrugged but smirked a bit. "I'm not sure but we did something like this last year."

Our art teacher Mrs. Isaac came in then, shushing everyone with a wave of her hand and a finger to her lips.

"So class, the time has come again where we get the chance to have a live model come in and pose for us. We're going to have him in for the next four classes so you can all finish a piece. You may use any material you wish and in any style."

"Um, Mrs. Issac?" I asked putting my hand up slowly. "Is this model going to be like....naked?"

The class laughed and I shrugged, intimidated at what may be coming my way. "No, Carmen. By law that would be inappropriate." She said, not an ounce of teasing in her tone. "He will be wearing shorts." I bent down, opening my box to get my charcoal out. "If you're all ready, I'll bring him in. Jensen?"

When We Were Young (A Jensen Ackles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now