The Search for Scabbers - Ron Weasley x Female Reader

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Description: You're in third year and Ron has lost his pet "rat" Scabbers.  Becasue you ahve a small crush on him, you offer to help him look for it but the search turns into something unexpected.  

House: Your Choice

Blood Status: Your Choice

Warnings: A swear word

A/N: f/f = favorite food


"Hey, y/n," Ron says, sulking.

"What's wrong, Ron?" you say, walking towards him.  "You seem upset..."

"I can't find Scabbers!  He's gone missing again!  This is the second time this week I haven't been able to find him..." Ron says.

"Well... I bet he's around somewhere!  Would you like help looking for him?  I don't have class until one o'clock and it's eleven thirty right now..."

He perks his head up.  "Really?  Thanks, y/n!  I know I can always count on you!"

You both walk down a corridor together, calling Scabber's name and ducking your heads into the various broom closets and empty classrooms for any signs of him.  You follow Ron up and down the stairs and pass classrooms full of students listening to their teacher's lectures.  After forty minutes of searching the large castle, you slow down your pace and walk slowly through a deserted corridor.  He sigs and leans against the wall and sinks to the floor.

"I give up.  We'll never find him, y/n,"  he says, tired.  "I'm sorry I've wasted your time.  You must be really hungry by now...  I've kept you too long."

"No, Ron.  It's really okay.  I'm glad to help," you reply kindly.  You walk over and sit down gently next to him.  "Hey, Ron.  Where are Harry and Hermione?  Why aren't they helping?" 

"Oh, Hermione didn't want to help.  She says I'm too irresponsible with him.  I say he just gets away too easily.  He's a very independent rat.  Harry has detention.  I forget what he did this time.  I think he got in trouble when Snape heard him call Malfoy an ass." 

You chuckled.  "Well, I guess that is true.  Malfoy can be really unbearably awful."

"Yeah.  I'm not sure he'd be much help though..." 

"Oh, I don't know.  Harry's always been helpful."

"Yeah....." Ron trails off.  "I wish Scabbers wouldn't run away so often nowadays.  I guess it serves me right for that time I turned him into that furry goblet with a tail last year in transfiguration class."

"I remember that!" you smile.  I was sitting in font of you!  Scabbers was still squeaking, even in goblet form.  It was funny, but a bit sad.  At least you have a working wand now, Ron."

"True, y/n, true.  I broke it on the dashboard of my father's flying car," he laughs.  "What an idiot I was."

"Awww, Ron.  You aren't an idiot,  You just don't think before you act." you say.

"You're starting to sound a whole lot like Hermione, y/n."

"I guess I am.  Whelp, we better get back to the dining hall.  We should eat before our double block of potions coming up next."

"Sounds like an amazing plan, y/n!  Scabbers is smart rat.  I think he can last a bit longer, on his own," Ron assures himself.  "Okay!  Let's go, y/n.  Lunch awaits!"

You two walk together to the Great Hall, the candles float above you as usual.  You two sit down next to each other.  Ron grabs a large portion of chicken and you grab yourself some f/f.  You sit there for a few minutes, talking about the dementors on the school grounds and how cool Professor Lupin is.

"He's really great.  His Boggart lesson was one of the best times I've had this year!" you say.  "Who knew a lesson could be that fun?"

"I know!  It was amazing!" Ron said. "I have to admit, I was scared of the spider, but it was all better when I used the spell!"

"You did great, Ron.  I'm glad you faced your fear."

There was a pause in the conversation.  Ron looked at you awkwardly.

"Is everything okay, Ron?" you ask.  "Is something on your mind?"

"Yeah, y/n," he said, on the verge of blushing.  "Ummm.  I-I was wondering.... W-would you go out with me this weekend to Hogsmeade?"

You pause and stare out of him.  This was completely out of the blue.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Ron exclaimed. "I shouldn't have asked you now!  I bet you hate me now!" 

He gets up and tries to leave but you grab his hand.

"No, Ron.  You're fine!"  you exclaim.  "Come on, Ron.  Sit back down."  He does.

After a pause, you finally say something:

"Ron, I don't hate you.  Where'd you get that idea?"

"I was just worried," he admits to you.  "I didn't want you to think I'm weird."

"Come on, Ron.  I know you're weird!" you exclaim.  "And that's definitely not a bad thing! I've never met a cookie cutter person who's any interesting at all!"

He stares back at you, shocked at your reaction to his proposal.

"And yes.  I will go out with you."  

"Really?" he asks.

"Really," you say.  Ron sighs in relief.  You spot Harry and Hermione at the entrance of the hall.  You eave them over.  You can't wait to break the news to them.  Suddenly, Scabber rushes across the table into Ron's arms with Crookshanks following right behind him.

"Scabbers!  There you are!  I thought I lost you again!" Ron rejoices holding Scabber close.

"Ron, you really should take better care you your pets!" Hermione says, sitting downacross from Ron.

"Well, your cat's a bloody menace!" Ron says. "Are you sure it's even a cat?  It looks like one of Hagrid's breeding experiments gone wrong!"  

"How could you, Ronald?"  Hermione replied.  "For your information, Crookshanks is a lovely cat!  You're 'rat' looks like it's obviously seen better days!"

Hermione and Ron continued to squabble all throughout lunch ad on the way to potions class while you and Harry chatted politely.  

It looks like things were how they should be, but with a slight perk.  You had a date with Ron Weasley!


A/N: 1023 words.  I hope you enjoyed!   This chapter has not yet been proof-read.

Harry Potter Characters x Reader Oneshots and Imagines (Completed/Closed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang