Worth - Neville Longbottom x Female Reader

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings: Light Swearing

A/N: y/l/n = your last name


"Look at her..."

"Seriously?  What's she wearing in her hair?"

"She's so weird..."

"She doesn't belong here..."

"Who even let her in?


Whispers fill the hall as you walk in, clutching your spellbooks to your chest, your leather bookbag hanging at your side.  You slump your shoulders in and slink away to the end of your house's table.  You sit down, alone again...  Setting your books down, you grab your breakfast, watching as friends and lovers hover around you, whispering in one another's ears the same comments that had been circling around the hall only moments before.  You imagine yourself compressing your body down to the size of a pea, perhaps even further than that...  A speck of dist or a single cell.  Maybe then they'll all stop.  

"y/l/n!" a voice shouts from behind you.  You look behind you and then jerk your head back to look down at your hands.  Draco Malfoy.  "Hey!  Are you retarded?  I'm talking to you, y/l/n!"

You feel someone grab your shoulder and jerk you around, dumping you on the floor of the Great hall.  There's an eruption of chatter and people start laughing.  Draco and his gang of Slytherins loom over you, menacingly.  Their eyes twinkling with malice, Draco continues.

"So, y/n.  Are you heading home for the holidays?  I'm heading home this year to be with my father," he brags.  "He says he's got a big surprise for me this year!  I expect a new broomstick and cufflinks.  Maybe a suit or two...  I don't know... My father always finds the best.  I can surely say that nothing like that will happen for you.  Your family isn't wealthy enough to even put bread on the table!  Of course, I'd understand why you couldn't.  Your mother's a lunatic and your father's obviously a drunk! What a disgraceful family!"

Malfoy and the rest of the hall erupt with taunting laughter.  You feel your hands get sweaty and you start to get tears in your eyes.  You feel your body shake.  Goyle saunters forward and takes a swift kick to your stomach.  You gasp in pain.  Boiling anger fills your body and thoughts. You suddenly jump up and lunge at Malfoy, taking a clean swipe at his cheek.  The slap echoes through the hall.  Everything is silent.

"My mother is not a lunatic," you say slowly, still feeding off the adrenaline from your anger.  "My father is not a drunk.  I am not a retard."

"How dare you touch m-" Malfoy starts to say.

"No!  You listen here, Malfoy!" you shout, cupping his mouth with your hand, the Slytherins staring at you in awe, wondering how you have the audacity to do such a thing.  "I will not tolerate any more of your shit!  I have put up with it for years!  I very well now that you will keep on tormenting me all the way throughout my Hogwarts years, maybe even into my adulthood, but know this: YOU. WILL. NOT. BREAK. ME!"

You shove Malfoy and he falls back against Crabbe and Goyle.  

"DRAKIE-POOOO!" Pansy gasps, rushing over to her fallen man-obsession.  You roll your eyes and exit the great hall, grumbling.


Sitting in the courtyard, you sigh.  Ever since the whole... event in the Great Hall, everyone was whispering more about you, the exact opposite of what you wanted.  They were now accusing you of being possessed by some dark force.

"That's the reason why she's so weird," they'd say.

Skimming the pages of your book, you see someone appear in front of you.  A Gryffindor.   You expect to look up and see Cormac McLaggen, one of your most notable tormenters after Malfoy and his gang members, but no.  It's Neville.

"Hi," he says quietly.  You stare at him for a sec and look around you.  Nobody else.

"A-Are you talking to me?" you ask.

"Yeah, y/n," he says.  You're taken aback for a second.  Nobody calls you by your first name.  "Listen, I just wanted to say...  It was really brave of you to stand up to Malfoy like that.  It was really admirable..."

"Umm.... Thanks, Neville," you say.  "Why don't you sit down?"

He plops himself on the space on the bench next to you.

"Thanks," he says.  "I just wanted to come by and say that I don't believe the things they all say about you.  There's nothing wrong with you.  They're just being cruel."

"Wow, Neville.  You have no idea how much that means to me, hearing someone say that.  It's very reassuring.  All I have sometimes is my owl and the voices in my head to encourage me."

"I'm sorry, y/n.  I had no idea that you felt this alone all the time," he says heavily.

"It's alright, Neville.  I'm used to it.  I work things out for myself," you reply.

"Well, y/n," he says.  You look up at him.  "You don't have to be alone anymore."

"Why?" you ask, confused.

"You have me now."


A/N: This chapter was 825 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open!

- Soiea

Harry Potter Characters x Reader Oneshots and Imagines (Completed/Closed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin