Hey... - Harry Potter x Female Reader

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House: You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


Harry's POV:

"Come on, Albus.  Hurry up!" Ginny says, scooting my son along with her towards Flourish and Blott's.  "We need to buy your school books!"

"You come on, mom," Albus groans in response.  "There's no need to hurry..."

"Now, now, Albus," I chime in.  "Listen to your mother.  You're leaving for Hogwarts in three days.  You've stalled on this trip to Diagon Alley for long enough."

Rolling his eyes, Albus grudgingly shuffles forward toward the door.  Ginny, James, Lily, and I follow along behind him and file into the store.  The silver bell hanging from the door jingles as the door swings open and closed.

"Hurry now, James and Albus," Ginny says.  "We need actually do need to hurry.  Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione are coming to our place for dinner tonight and we need to be back home in time to get ready."

The kids groan and walk away, in search of the necessary books, holding their Hogwarts letters in hand. 

"Even if they are a bit disobedient, I think we did pretty well, Harry," Ginny says, wrapping her arms around mine.  

"Yeah...  We did, Ginny," I reply, tipping my head onto hers.  We stand there in front of a book display and wait for the kids to come back with their books.  Albus and James return with arms full of books in their arms.  I wave them over and start to walk towards the checkout area and there's a line stretching all the way from the checkout stand, around all the book displays, and to the front door.

"Oh, my goodness!" Ginny sighs.  "We'll never be back in time at this rate!"

"It's fine, Ginny.  Take the kids and return home.  I'll buy the books and meet you back home," I say, reaching my hands out, taking the books from my kid's arms, struggling slightly with the sudden addition of about twenty pounds of books.

"Alright, Harry.  See you at come," Ginny replies.  "Come on kids."

Ginny leads Albus, James, and Lily out the door and they disappear into the crowds of witches and wizards in Diagon Alley.  I stumble clumsily into the back of the line behind an older looking witch.  I accidentally bump into her.

"Oh!" she says.  She's at first irritated, but then after seeing my face, her face turns into utter surprise and shock.  "Oh, my god!  You're Harry Potter!"

She cups her face with her hands.  I nod, blushing at her recognizing me.

"It's such an honour!" she gasps.  

"Well..  I don't know about that..." I say. "I would shake your hand, but I have these books for my kids."

She starts rambling on about how great my kids must be because they're mine and how I must be an amazing father.  I nod along until as we keep moving up in the line.  She gets to the front of the line and the conversation ends and I then stand awkwardly all alone.  People are whispering about me again.  It's getting tiring, to be honest, and on top of that, my arms are screaming from holding the mass of school books.

"Next in line please!" the checker says.  I walk up slowly and drop the pile of books on the countertop.  

"Hi," I say, pulling out my wallet.  I look up at the checker.  I know her.  It's y/n.  

"H-Hey...," she says, finally realising it's me.  She nervously lowers her gaze and starts to grab the books one after another, adding up the costs on a piece of parchment.  

"Ummm.  How are you, y/n," I say.

"I've been okay, Harry," she responds softly, avoiding my gaze.  

"That's good, y/n," I reply.  There's another awkward pause.  She's looking towards one of the corners of the store.  I can't read her at all... not like I used to.  "So...My kids are going to school..."

I trail off, she doesn't seem like she wants to talk with me at all.  I wouldn't blame her at all.  We dated from fourth year to sixth year and I broke up with her after things got serious with the  Voldemort situation.  I didn't want to get hurt and I never told her the reason why I did break up with her.  We haven't spoken or seen each other since the battle of Hogwarts.

"That'll be nine galleons, Harry," y/n says hastily.  Our eyes lock.  I can see the pain behind them and shiny, sparkly tears form in her tear ducts.  

"Y/n...,"I whisper.  "I'm so sorry. I-I... I wish that..."

"Harry....  No...  I can't have this conversation right now.  It's nineteen years too late.  I'm sorry," she chokes.  "Nine galleons, Harry."

I take out ten galleons and put it on the table.

"The tenth one is a tip for you, y/n," I say, sliding the money across the table towards her.  She jerks her head down and mumbles her thank you, wrapping the books up into large brown bags. 

"Thank you for your business," she says.  "N-Next please..."

I walk away from the check stand and out the front door, listening to it close firmly behind me.  I look back to Flourish and Blott's.  Y/n has changed a lot.  Y/n used to be happy and smiley all the time.  She used to love laughing and always was kind and generous.  Now she just seemed cut off and alone.  I can't help but think I had something to do with that... the way I broke it off with her and how things ended up between us.  Being Harry Potter, I have many regrets one of them is certainly allowing all those people to die during the battle of Hogwarts, but the biggest one of all is letting an absolutely perfect girl like y/n slip right through my fingers just like sand.


A/N: This chapter was 985 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open!

- Soiea

Harry Potter Characters x Reader Oneshots and Imagines (Completed/Closed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن