The End of a Prank War - Fred Weasley x Female Reader (Short Imagine)

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House:  You Choose

Blood status:  You Choose


You, Fred and George have had an ongoing prank war since last year.  Nobody's won yet and it just keeps on going.  It all started when George put frogs in your school bag, which you promptly returned the favour by placing fifty live chinchillas in his dormitory, who all promptly hopped everywhere and found their way into Professor Snape's ingredient locker, which they promptly destroyed earing all three of you detention.  One day, after a long study session in the library with Hermione, you return to your dorm.  You find your room filled with a pink smoke.  

"Another prank?  Come on...  I'm tired.  I don't want to deal with this!" you complain.  You see a box of candies in front of you on the foot of your bed and a card.  It says:

Dear y/n,  

This is not a prank.  I swear on George's life that it isn't.  I just wanted to say this once and for all.  I think I love you.  You're always there and you are always so cheery and happy.  You make my life so enjoyable.  You are such an amazing person and I want to make you mine.  Meet me in the astronomy tower at 8:00.  I'll be waiting.



"Oh, my God!" you say, looking at the clock.  "It's 7: 56!"  

You grab a coat and rush out the door.  You run up the many flights of stair all the way to the astronomy tower.  You see Fred standing there, looking out at the lake.

"Y/n!  I thought you weren't coming!" he says, relieved.

"Of course I was going to come!  I care about you!" you say, giving Fred a hug.

"So.  I guess you got my note...," he says.  

"Yeah.  I did," you reply.

"So how about it, y/n?" he asks.


"Be my girlfriend?" he says.

"Of course you idiot!  Why would I say no?" you laugh.

He takes you by your waist and pulls you in lovingly in a warm embrace.  He plants kissed on your neck, cheeks and lips.  You return the gesture by kissing him back.  You two don't go back to your dormitories until the stars and moon shine brightly above you.


A/N: This chapter was 389 words long.  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open!

- Soiea

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