Bucky Barnes

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------Okay, now for an imagine that nobody asked for! I hope you like it :)------ After finishing writing this I realize that your powers are a lot like Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy------

You have incredible powers. You can feel, influence, manipulate and live through other peoples emotions. Just by being within a 100m radius of other humans you can see their immediate thoughts and feelings, and can convince or manipulate them to benefit yourself and others; like making security guard believe that you're allowed into an exclusive dinner party, or making a street vendor give the homeless kids food.... you know, that kind of thing. Through physical contact you can do all that and more: you are able to see, experience and feel the life of another human through their eyes, from their first breath up until the present,  you know every single detail of their entire life, whether it's an imaginary friend or nuclear launch codes, you know it all. After gaining the knowledge of your existence, the Avengers recruited you to be the stepping stone to an almost infinite amount of success. You've been working with them and training for around 6 months, refining your skills with the help of Scarlet Witch before they allowed you to start your first mission..... Bucky Barnes.  

Tony asked you to move into the Stark Tower not long after they were confident with your skills and motives. You have been helping everyone on the team deal with their immediate issues and emotions, using your powers to see, feel and experience their troubles and helping them cope with their past by manipulating how they feel. You see, your powers don't last forever, without consistent re-manipulation, the results wont be permanent, but if done frequent enough after an uncertain period of time, you will be able to make your powers last forever in the mind of the person's thoughts you are manipulating. It was a cakewalk with the other Avengers, although they each had rough pasts, in under 12 sessions you helped them come to terms with things that have happened to them in their life, but Bucky is a whole new ball game; you and him have only just started the long road to recovery. Before poking into his brain and memories, you needed to gain his trust. So many people have messed and scrambled this poor guys head, repeatedly torturing and destroying him, breaking him down to only a figment of the man he used to be, he just needs someone who cares, loves and can be there for him. It took a lot of patience, trust and care for him to see you as a friend and not an enemy, but at least you two did eventually get to that point.

The first time he let you look into his brain was... hard, to say the least. You smile as you hear Bucky coming up the stairs, his thoughts seem louder today. A warm hand then touches your shoulder, "Hey, Bucky" you greet and place your book on the coffee table, "what's up?"  He sits down next to you, hands on his knees and looking strait ahead, "I think I'm ready" he states quietly and completely avoids your gaze by not even looking in your direction. "If you're ready, I'm ready"  you hum and carefully place your hand on the side of his arm in reassurance. He turns to look at you, his mind racing with hundreds of rapid thoughts, eyes unsure and almost scared looking, "It's okay, one step at a time... We'll start out small" you say calmly. Standing up you take his hand in yours and lead him to a room with soothing light pink walls, warm lighting, comfortable grey couches, and fluffy pillows: the perfect environment to relax and soothe ones mind. You sit on the couch, the cushions almost completely encasing you with their softness, a sigh of content leaves your lips at the feeling of the tension from your back being relieved. Buck sits beside you,"You ready?" you ask, with a shaky breath and a nod he takes your hands in his strong ones, "Ready."  You ease yourself and carefully pierce the veil of his mind; you were immediately flooded with so much pain. His brain is screaming for help, begging you to take the pain away, tears pool in your eyes and you try to distance yourself a little more. Once you have a hold of your powers you start off small with the emotions hes had in the past week. His initial feelings barely faltering, having little to no shift in intensity. He is completely broken. You continue to sift through the past week, experiencing and feeling what he feels daily. The tears steadily cascading down your cheeks. Unable to hold yourself together anymore, you open your eyes and search in his steely blue ones, "Oh, Bucky" you cry.  His gaze is unmoving from your own, scanning his face you see traces of what seems to be embarrassment. You wipe the tears from your rounded cheeks and sniffle, your thumb runs over his hands and you lift his left one up and press your lips to the cool metal, "We're gonna get through this together.... I promise."

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